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relationship with guy friend who has a gf

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I started developing feelings for a guy friend I made through classes. His girlfriend lives a little over an hour away and she’s hung out with us and our friends a couple of times. I never had the intention of coming between the two of them but it got to a point, where he told me he was getting confused between the two of us. We agreed to break off contact so we could both cool off but we didn’t last for more than a few days. He told his gf about us and she forgave him within a few days. We kept trying to break off contact and he would keep reaching out to me. We’d have an honest talk about our feelings and what we should do and instead of feeling more distant we would feel closer. Finally during our “last fight” he told me how he really couldn’t choose between us but even though he was afraid of losing me forever he knew he had no right to ask me wait. For some reason I felt entirely fed up and emailed him back telling him I was moving on etc etc. We went for a month without talking this time. We've been seeing each other in person because of our mutual friends. I was cordial but he could sense I was distant. Feeling better and in an attempt to be friendly, a couple of days ago I texted him wishing him and his gf a good time on their trip. He asked if we could be friends again and I told him I wasnt sure how to act again without us slipping back into what we did before. He said he wasnt sure either and we could wait things out. Since then I've thought about it and I realized that he has been a fantastic friend to me but as something more he hasn't taken care of me and what this relationship is is poisonous. Yes, I still have feelings for him. Yes, I do hope one day we could have a chance at going out. So with these thoughts, I'm debating what to do. I know I should keep my distance since I am still harboring feelings for him but at the same time I don’t want him to think I’m suffering because of him anymore. Should I agree to be friends and just keep my distance- dont respond as quickly as I used to, don't talk after a certain time? But with becoming friends I'm afraid we'll get too close and I'll be friendzoned. I’m moving away soon so I only have to see him in person one more time upon which he insists we stay in touch.

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