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maybe its just me

not allways perfect

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not allways perfect

Hi i really need some advice i was dating this guy years ago we split up and have spoken since then 2 mouths ago we became fwb that could benifit others


we started chatting though text we would text evey day all day and still do we say morning and night (last and first person to speek to) we have both told each other loads about exs our past even things .H


we meet up when we can and after we just last there chatting and cuddling it was all going fine till i happend to say in a friends kind way that i like him and cared as a friend for him then we had the ok it need to stop and we just stary friends thing, well it didnt last long we are still texting and meeting up but then the last few day its not been the same,


i asked him straight shall i back off he said stop asking stupid questions it does my head in i would say i work people out quite fast but for the life of me i cant work him out at all how he feels what he thinking


few people know about us like his sister and her hubby my mum and sis and a few friends i know hes been hurt really bad in past we both have am i reading to much into it or is it just me should i back off grrr

just latley we have been both going through some stuff and we are both there for each other but as i said the last few days have been diffrent he been very quiet texts but idk just not him i need help a out siderds point of veiw please help me

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What do you mean by "you told him a friends way"? If he started acting different after that, then maybe that was it. I can't think of a reason though.

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Ok well since its a fwb situation, feelings always develop by at least one side at some point. And it doesn't matter whether its the guy/girl. It sounds like maybe he started to feel something for you. You are fwb and you say how he is going through some stuff and you are always there for him. Its easy to develop even the smallest feeling of affection for someone that is there for you. And maybe a point they want to be more than just friends. And what I think is that by you saying you care for him like a best friend. Maybe he didn't expect to hear that.

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not allways perfect

exspect to hear it in a good or bad way tho i just dont know how he feels but in away im sceared to ask as what if i dont like what is said dont get me wrong if there is somthing there i could go with it but its the not knowing how he feels we both said that it was just fun and we didnt want a relationship but in the 8 weeks we have become close just dont know how to go about what to do next do i wait for him or ask him and rick what we have now :(

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not allways perfect

see it is a fwb that can benift others as such i asked him how many people has he slept with since he said 1 and that was at the start i havent not becuse i cant just becuse it not me

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