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What Should I Do?!?!?!?!?


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My boyfriend just moved to Az this October. He is also coming back every 2-3-weeks. He is the love of my life and we a planning on getting married in 4 years. He is moving back to San Diego to buy us a house. He told me that it was going to be hard, and it is. Just because I can't see him or hold him every day, it makes me sad. We have only writen letters and he hasn't called me in a week. It makes me feel further away from him, than I already am. He didn't have the phone number to the house when he first called me, his mom still had to call the oner. I love him with all of my heart and soul. I realy just want to know, "What sould I do?" Thanx

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I really don't understand your problem or your question. All I can get from your post is that your boyfriend, who lives away, sees you every two to three weeks, you are planning on getting married in four years, he is moving back to San Diego to buy the two of you a house, and he hasn't called you in a week. None of that sounds terrible.


Now, if you are in San Diego, you can move in with him as soon as he closes on the house. If you are near San Diego, you can visit him more often. If you live far from San Diego, that isn't good.


In any case, if you don't make arrangements to see him more often and/or if he doesn't call you more often, your relationship with him is going to go south. If you love this guy, you better start planning to be with him.


You also need to teach him some consideration. Not calling someone you dearly love, to whom you are engaged, for an entire week is not a cool thing to do or not do. I mean, you can get long distance service for five cents a minute at night and on weekends. You could talk to him every night for a half hour for $1.50 plus tax. If he can't afford that, he can call every other night, and if he can't afford that...find a guy who can!!!

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I heard your cry and suspect that is all you really needed; to cry out for your missing love. It really can be hard loving across the distance.


If you believe in your love enough to suffer through this abstinence (sexually and just his physical presence), then it might help to have weekly check-in dates - - a day, a time you can look forward to hearing from him. Having a weekly hope will help you through an extended absence.


In the meantime, re-develop some of the friendships that may have been put aside when you were involved with this man. Their company will help you feel less desperate and their honesty will be the most reliable tool as you will eventually need even more assurance and guidance. Surround yourself with their love.


I am concerned on one issue... if this love is true, why must you wait four years to marry? Love struggling in the midst of career or school changes is easier dealt with than love separated by miles.

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Hey if you guys are meant to be..you just have to support him and more importantly, have faith in what you 2 have together. This is certainly not the time to get worried. Of course you miss him and he probably feels the same way. Just remember your plans together and believe in what you have.

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