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Tough Day for me

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I met her 21 years ago today at my brothers wedding. She was a bridesmaid and I fell in love at first sight. After getting up the nerve (beer) we talked and before the night was over i said, "you know, Im gonna marry you someday".

The next night--we made love. Her first time. She told me thru the years that after that she knew i was the one.

Now schroll ahead 21 years and I hurt more than ever. Shes filed and wont take "we can try" for an answer. Never contacts me. Is going thru with it..wont work it out. Send her flowers, write her happy anniversary notes like today (i know Im breaking the NC rule) and never get a response. Have a job offer in Florida. She told my mom at xmas when everybody was smiling that she'd "do anything to move back there, she loved it so" Now it seems I may be on my way alone. While she sits here in a place she absolutely hates. I think about not going because how could we reconcile then? Some say, "go..youre getting nowhere with her living 20 miles away--whats the difference if its 900?"

Others say "if you leave, it might help you get her back". Maybe reality will set in that, "hey Digger is where I wanna be". Maybe hes not so bad after all. I just dont know, but here i still sit and its gonna be a really lonely night.

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save yourself some of the grief and let her go. abscence does make the heart grow fonder.

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I'm so sorry. I can feel your desperation and hurt and loneliness. My husband & I are living a separate but together exsistance til we get some of our financial obligatioins taken care of. It's killing me, but I keep up a good front. Just be glad that you don't know what she's doing & it's not right in front of your face. I think that you should take the job offer if it's a better job in a better location. If she's ever going to come back to you, it won't matter where you live. You may be like me, maybe someday we'll both wake up and realize we're better off without them. I keep hoping day by day that I'll wake up & feel it, but I'm like you, all I feel is alone, hurt, confused and desparate. He's living in my house, paying bills and seeing her. I'm alone with a million people around me. The change of sceneary would probably be good for you, even though I know that living close you think that you'll at least get to catch a glimpse of her from time to time & that's like balm on a wound, but one of these days, you'll find someone that you deserve and maybe I will too. Take care of yourself. The right decision will come to you where you least expect it.

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