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Jealous of Wife but desperately in Love

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Wow, OP, did you just state that you have borderline personality AND are bipolar?


Are you getting any help for those? That would help you greatly in this situation.


My relatives that are currently in affairs have similar diagnoses. And nothing I tell them ever helps so long as they ignore their mental and emotional health.

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he sounds like a jerk who has been lucky enough to find a woman who has so much to offer someone better, but who has issues with her self esteem and she doesn't realize that yet.



No disrespect to the OP but she is no angel here. She is cheating on her bf with someone else's husband. Is that much to offer? One could say the cheating husband has issues with his self esteem and that's why he cheats on his wife. I'm sorry but one is no better than the other. They both need help.

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I work with my MM. I am in love with him. Our sex life is amazing. Sometimes I can handle being the OW, sometimes I can't. I'm so physically attracted to him, when I see him my heart skips a beat, even after 2 years. He has never once mentioned leaving his wife, so at least he's not lying to me in that aspect. It's not like I'm all alone while he's off with his W doing whatever. I have a boyfriend (albeit an extremely boring, structured, not-good-in-bed boyfriend) who would do anything for me.


So basically the only reason you stay with your bf is because you are a user.


Otherwise, why don't you set your bf free?



But all I can think about is my MM. I see him at work every day, and we have sex at lunch 2-3 times a week - at his house! And I'm too happy to be with him to feel guilty about it.


Well as if you two aren't already disrespecting his wife, at least have the decency to not do it where she lives. Thats just absolutely despicable behavior.



But I'm beginning to get more and more jealous. My MM paints (and plays guitar, etc) and there are pictures of his W all over the house (portraits I assume are of her, but they must have been done when they were younger because now his W is rather overweight and the women in the pics aren't!). I'm skinny and attractive but I'm jealous of HER. They married 24 years ago. He has no plans to leave her, but he tells me it's a "companion" type of relationship with no passion.


And if it were you he had been with for a long time, he'd be looking for excitement from another woman too.



Any advice on how to deal with these feelings of jealousy?


Ya, find a single guy.



Our time together is awesome, with great sex!! and conversation. Should I give that up bec I'm starting to get jealous of her fat ass


Ah, as if sleeping with a MM isn't enough, you are REALLY showing us what kind of person you are here.



Maybe it's nice not to have to clean up after him, use the bathroom after he's been in there, listen to him snore, etc.? I often think I hate her bec she gets him, but then I think well I do too! And I don't get to see the gros smelly aggravating him. If only women would learn a trick or two these men wouldn't be on the prowl!


Ah, so you think no man would ever cheat on you because you are all that? Think again. With an attitude and character like yours, there isn't much a man would really want for the long haul. So I'd be careful of who you look down your nose at and insult. I bet his wife is a really sweet woman who doesn't deserve the scorn of someone with an infantile fatal attraction demeanor.



Bad thing in this situation is that people at work assume (which =know) so I'm bearing the "office slut" burden.


Goes with the territory. You're just going to have to suck it up on that one.



I'm guessing he has too much time investeFd in her to leave? Money? Familiarity? Who knows. Do MM cheat on the OW asG well? Probably. So y am I doing this? Because I freaking love him and we cannot get enough of each other. Time together is exciting and so passionate.


Of course it is, because for one, its taboo. Secondly, you aren't going through the daily trials of being a couple with him. If you were, you wouldn't be any different than his wife, and no amount of conceited perception of self will make the difference.

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I don't think he has any morals, I didn't say he did. I think he's a horrible husband, ESP after having sex in their house, in their bed, on their couch, etc w the OW!





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