oldshirt Posted June 23, 2012 Share Posted June 23, 2012 I've seen a number of interesting threads on the frustration and dissatisfaction with online dating from a wide variety of men and thought I would offer some advice on how to make the time and energy you spend on the computer searching for matches a whole lot more fun and successful. Ready? Here we go - #1.the first thing to do is take a real hard, serious look at the amount of time you are spending on the computer per day that is NOT directly work or LEGITIMATE online education related. So in other words take a really hard, honest look at the time you are spending checking out dating sites, porn, chatting online, gaming, surfing the net etc etc... and also add in any other electronic entertainment time, video games, Xbox etc etc and add up all the hours that you spend in the electronic world on an average day. Be hard on yourself and take an honest look and add up all the hours. #2. Now take those hours out of each and every day and divide them up into the following areas - - do something physically active each and every day. Work out at the gym, play some kind of sports, go for walks or hikes or a swim. Do something that is physically active and will help you burn off fat and build some visable muscle development and will help you feel more energized and alive. - maintain meticulous hygiene and grooming. Get a "style". don't just run a comb through your hair, get an actual intentional 'style.'. Same with clothes, Get well-fitting, stylish clothes that look good on you and wear them all the time. If you wear glasses, at the minimum get something that fits your face appropriately and is currently stylish and fits your personal style (see there's that word 'style') again. - get out of the house and engage in a fun activity or hobby that you enjoy that also gets you around other people (and preferably gets you around females) AND BECOME AN EXPERT. Napolean Dynamite hit the nail on the head, "chicks only dig guys that have skills." If your best skills are Xbox, spanking to porn or some other online or video game it doesn't count and won't benifit you. #3. Improve yourself and increase your professional opportunities and status. Be a life-long learner and get educated and trained in trade and/or professional skills. The more financial, professional and social status you have, the more attractive you are to potential mates. It doesn't get any simpler than that. A well respected professional is always more attractive to a potential mate than an unskilled laborer regardless of what the actual number on the paycheck is. #4. In all of those activities, look people in the eye and say, "hello. how are you?" Make it a personal goal to talk to every single human that comes within a 10 foot perimeter of you regardless if they are male/female, old/young, beautiful/ugly etc etc. You goal here is to rewire your brain so that you can communicate and connect with actual organic human beings instead of silicon-based electronic impulses. #5. Do fun things with fun people in the real physical world and become friends with them. Do things with them and get out do things with them. #6. Have your friends introduce you and expose you to their friends. In the business world it's called "networking." on Facebook it's called "social networking." 30 years ago before we had computers and internet and I was in the dating world it was called "setting up" and it worked real well and that is how everyone over the age of 35 met their special someone. It works. Trust me. People have been finding love for thousands of generations before Plenty of Fish and Match dot Com came along. Take your electronic time and energy and divy it all up into those areas and I guarentee you, you will have a nice girl at your side in a very reasonable amount of time. Take the time and energy you are spending looking through profiles and trying to cyber-chat with women and get out in the real world and have a real life and meet real women. Trust me. I was 34 years old and had dated many women, had several serious relationships, had lots of sex partners and was married for a few years before I ever got on the internet. It really works and it worked for thousands of generations of men before me!! We live in a world where people want statistical proof of any claims made so here is the statiscal proof for my claims. 100% of nonvirginal men found their partners by doing the things I described above prior to the advent of online dating. (some even skipped about all of those steps and still got girls but that's another topic) It is the most time-proven way to get girls in the history of mankind. Try it!! 6 Link to post Share on other sites
Author oldshirt Posted June 23, 2012 Author Share Posted June 23, 2012 The thing that made me come up with this is I read a thread where the OP claimed he had sent messages to 1000 women online and had one unsatisfactory experience with an unattractive woman in the real world. Now step back for a second and think what someone could do if they got all cleaned up and dressed up sharp and went out into the real world and looked 1000 women in the eye and talked to them like a human being. Doesn't it seem logical to you that if someone had interacted with 1000 people that during that time they would have innately picked up and been able to apply some very basic communication and social skills that eventually one of those people would click? I truly believe an average man can have 1000 electronic communications without a single legitimate encounter in real life but I do not believe that a normal person can have 1000 real life interactions with real people and not have one of them stick (unless they have the worlds worst case of autism or Asperger's Syndrome or something) 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Green Light Posted June 23, 2012 Share Posted June 23, 2012 I've seen a number of interesting threads on the frustration and dissatisfaction with online dating from a wide variety of men and thought I would offer some advice on how to make the time and energy you spend on the computer searching for matches a whole lot more fun and successful. Ready? Here we go - #1.the first thing to do is take a real hard, serious look at the amount of time you are spending on the computer per day that is NOT directly work or LEGITIMATE online education related. So in other words take a really hard, honest look at the time you are spending checking out dating sites, porn, chatting online, gaming, surfing the net etc etc... and also add in any other electronic entertainment time, video games, Xbox etc etc and add up all the hours that you spend in the electronic world on an average day. Be hard on yourself and take an honest look and add up all the hours. #2. Now take those hours out of each and every day and divide them up into the following areas - - do something physically active each and every day. Work out at the gym, play some kind of sports, go for walks or hikes or a swim. Do something that is physically active and will help you burn off fat and build some visable muscle development and will help you feel more energized and alive. - maintain meticulous hygiene and grooming. Get a "style". don't just run a comb through your hair, get an actual intentional 'style.'. Same with clothes, Get well-fitting, stylish clothes that look good on you and wear them all the time. If you wear glasses, at the minimum get something that fits your face appropriately and is currently stylish and fits your personal style (see there's that word 'style') again. - get out of the house and engage in a fun activity or hobby that you enjoy that also gets you around other people (and preferably gets you around females) AND BECOME AN EXPERT. Napolean Dynamite hit the nail on the head, "chicks only dig guys that have skills." If your best skills are Xbox, spanking to porn or some other online or video game it doesn't count and won't benifit you. #3. Improve yourself and increase your professional opportunities and status. Be a life-long learner and get educated and trained in trade and/or professional skills. The more financial, professional and social status you have, the more attractive you are to potential mates. It doesn't get any simpler than that. A well respected professional is always more attractive to a potential mate than an unskilled laborer regardless of what the actual number on the paycheck is. #4. In all of those activities, look people in the eye and say, "hello. how are you?" Make it a personal goal to talk to every single human that comes within a 10 foot perimeter of you regardless if they are male/female, old/young, beautiful/ugly etc etc. You goal here is to rewire your brain so that you can communicate and connect with actual organic human beings instead of silicon-based electronic impulses. #5. Do fun things with fun people in the real physical world and become friends with them. Do things with them and get out do things with them. #6. Have your friends introduce you and expose you to their friends. In the business world it's called "networking." on Facebook it's called "social networking." 30 years ago before we had computers and internet and I was in the dating world it was called "setting up" and it worked real well and that is how everyone over the age of 35 met their special someone. It works. Trust me. People have been finding love for thousands of generations before Plenty of Fish and Match dot Com came along. Take your electronic time and energy and divy it all up into those areas and I guarentee you, you will have a nice girl at your side in a very reasonable amount of time. Take the time and energy you are spending looking through profiles and trying to cyber-chat with women and get out in the real world and have a real life and meet real women. Trust me. I was 34 years old and had dated many women, had several serious relationships, had lots of sex partners and was married for a few years before I ever got on the internet. It really works and it worked for thousands of generations of men before me!! We live in a world where people want statistical proof of any claims made so here is the statiscal proof for my claims. 100% of nonvirginal men found their partners by doing the things I described above prior to the advent of online dating. (some even skipped about all of those steps and still got girls but that's another topic) It is the most time-proven way to get girls in the history of mankind. Try it!! Not to sound too sarcastic but all I have to do is be a professional Yuppie type with money and a nice body and women will find me attractive?!?! Gee, I didn't know that! The fact is, there is a reason these guys[and girls] are spending this time online. If they could go out and be a "professional" socialite they probably would have done it by now. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Author oldshirt Posted June 23, 2012 Author Share Posted June 23, 2012 Not to sound too sarcastic but all I have to do is be a professional Yuppie type with money and a nice body and women will find me attractive?!?! Gee, I didn't know that! The fact is, there is a reason these guys[and girls] are spending this time online. If they could go out and be a "professional" socialite they probably would have done it by now. That is correct. You got it. My point in all of this is that people CAN become fit, healthy, attractive, educated professionals with basic social and interpersonal skills if they get away from the electronics and put that time and energy into becoming those things. Every minute someone sits at the computer they are becoming fatter and more deconditioned and the more they interact with glowing screens and keyboards the more socially inept and isolated they become in the physical, interpersonal world. Online dating does work and does work well for people that are physically fit and attractive, have social and professional status and have good social and interpersonal skills in the physical world. The catch is you have to get those things first and then go online. The irony is the people that have good success online will also have good success at the library, the grocery store, the bar, the ball field etc etc 2 Link to post Share on other sites
Author oldshirt Posted June 24, 2012 Author Share Posted June 24, 2012 Online dating does work and does work well for people that are physically fit and attractive, have social and professional status and have good social and interpersonal skills in the physical world. The catch is you have to get those things first and then go online. You know what? I am even going to correct myself and say that people don't even have to ACCOMPLISH those things to a great degree. Many times even sincerely STRIVING for those things is enough to catch someone's eye and make them take notice. I guarentee you if you are out making a sincere effort to improve your health, vitality and appearance and are putting in the effort to improve yourself and your professional status and are out trying to meet people and connect with them on a personal level, I guarentee you someone is going to take notice and appreciate it. If someone sits for hours a day in front of a computer and doesn't do any of that, noone can make a guarentee that anyone will impressed in the slightest. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
gskyo Posted June 24, 2012 Share Posted June 24, 2012 Haha, this post in somewhat depressing for me to read. By your account, I'm doing things right. I keep fit, I volunteer, I worked as a professional before heading back for my Masters study. I'm not ugly, decently personable and confident, yet, I find it hard to date. I hardly ever meet the right guys. I have alot of friends back home but having recently moved to a new country, I have to restart the whole friend search AND be on the lookout for guys. Even by participating in projects and programmes in my new home, no dice! I thought using online dating and online friend search would help, especially when they boast to have matching tools, it hasn't. Only brought me alot of heartache (may have more to do with the kind of expectations that comes along with this dating tool). I guess my point is, it may not necessarily be a matter of the users of online dating not being good enough, despite the fact that there are some weirdos out there. Though I believe you make a valid point in being the best that you can be before dating, but I think it's not limited to just online dating or its essentially the users fault for being tied to a computer. Link to post Share on other sites
Author oldshirt Posted June 24, 2012 Author Share Posted June 24, 2012 Haha, this post in somewhat depressing for me to read. By your account, I'm doing things right. I keep fit, I volunteer, I worked as a professional before heading back for my Masters study. I'm not ugly, decently personable and confident, yet, I find it hard to date. I think many of the things that I discussed in my post would apply to women as well, especially if they are spending hours a day on the computer instead of getting out and interacting with real people however online dating is fundamentally different for women than it is for men. Even a fat, unattractive, unemployed, single welfare mother of 5 is going to get multiple offers a day where as a perfectly normal and average, face-in-the-crowd male can send out dozens of messages a day and not get a single nibble. If you are fit and not ugly you are likely getting dozens of hits a day. Whether you choose to act on them or not is a whole different story. You are getting multiple options and opportunities a day it's just that not many of those opportunities are tall, dark, handsome millionaires with perfect wavy dark hair and cute little dimples that you love so much and none have had the bulging biceps and six-pack abz with the tattoos that make you tingle. That is fundamentally different from someone who spends hours a day pouring over profiles and sending out dozens of messages and winks and what not and gets nothing in return. The primary difference in OLD for men and women is for women even an unattractive and socially inept woman that is invisable in the real world will have options and oppportunities online and so OLD is a viable option for her. Whereas an average or below male will be invisable online but if he can work on himself and develop some social/interpersonal skills, polish up his physical appearance and obtain some professional status he will be very much in the game in the real physical world. 2 Link to post Share on other sites
FitChick Posted June 24, 2012 Share Posted June 24, 2012 Doesn't it seem logical to you that if someone had interacted with 1000 people that during that time they would have innately picked up and been able to apply some very basic communication and social skills that eventually one of those people would click? Excellent point. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
FitChick Posted June 24, 2012 Share Posted June 24, 2012 Even a fat, unattractive, unemployed, single welfare mother of 5 is going to get multiple offers a day On PlentyofFish no doubt. And what exactly might those offers be? Quantity does not equal quality. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Green Light Posted June 24, 2012 Share Posted June 24, 2012 That is correct. You got it. My point in all of this is that people CAN become fit, healthy, attractive, educated professionals with basic social and interpersonal skills if they get away from the electronics and put that time and energy into becoming those things. Every minute someone sits at the computer they are becoming fatter and more deconditioned and the more they interact with glowing screens and keyboards the more socially inept and isolated they become in the physical, interpersonal world. Online dating does work and does work well for people that are physically fit and attractive, have social and professional status and have good social and interpersonal skills in the physical world. The catch is you have to get those things first and then go online. The irony is the people that have good success online will also have good success at the library, the grocery store, the bar, the ball field etc etc But not everyone can have all of those things. Some people were born ugly or unhealthy, some people don't have the luck to become a "professional." Some people are naturally introverted. They were born that way. These people would be this way with or without spending time on the computer. Your whole premise reminds me of the old joke: "Q: What's the first step to becoming a millionaire? A: First, find a million dollars." I do agree with you that people spend way too much time in front of screens. But I am old enough to remember a time when that wasn't the case and there wasn't a majority of fit, socially adept, professionals running around. People were slightly more friendly and were less demanding, picky, and pretentious. But they were still people and they came in all shape and sizes and temperaments. I don't know why a man all the sudden has to fit into some mold of a Young Urban Professional with chiselled abs to even be considered for mating now. That seems absurd! Link to post Share on other sites
Author oldshirt Posted June 24, 2012 Author Share Posted June 24, 2012 On PlentyofFish no doubt. And what exactly might those offers be? Quantity does not equal quality. No it doesn't equal quality but an otherwise unattractive and undesirable female will still have a pool of options to choose from online dating whereas an Average Joe male often doesn't. Whether she chooses to take one of those offers or not is up to her whereas an average joe would have an empty mailbox and nothing to choose from. OLD produces options and opportunities for the cream-of-the-crop, top tier of males and works well for almost all females, but for average and below males it seems it is often very inefficient. The bottomline point to my post is if average and below males took the time and energy that they spend on electronics and apply that to improving their appearance, fitness, social skills and social and professional status in the real world, they would have A LOT more success and options in the real world vs OLD. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Author oldshirt Posted June 24, 2012 Author Share Posted June 24, 2012 But not everyone can have all of those things. Some people were born ugly or unhealthy, some people don't have the luck to become a "professional." Some people are naturally introverted. They were born that way. These people would be this way with or without spending time on the computer. You are correct, and the more time they spend on the computer the fatter, more deconditioned and more socially inept they become. I'm just making a stab in the dark here but lets say a little out of shape, socially inept and nerdy 20 year old male spends 2 hours a day playing Xbox, serfing the net, watching porn and trying to find a girl via OLD. Isn't it just logical if he spent 1 hr of that time busting his @$$ at the gym, an extra 1/2 hour primping and grooming and paying attention to current dress styles and another 1/2 hr engaging in some kind of fun group activity with other people and working on interacting with people and improving his social skills while doing all of those things, that his "market value" would increase substantially???? Not only that his exposure to potential mates while doing those activities is would be vastly higher than on an OLD site. 3 Link to post Share on other sites
USMCHokie Posted June 24, 2012 Share Posted June 24, 2012 On PlentyofFish no doubt. And what exactly might those offers be? Quantity does not equal quality. Of course. But do you honestly think they care? Sometimes, someone is better than no one... But oldshirt, I take it that the premise of your thread is, stop online dating...? 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Author oldshirt Posted June 24, 2012 Author Share Posted June 24, 2012 But I am old enough to remember a time when that wasn't the case and there wasn't a majority of fit, socially adept, professionals running around. No there wasn't a majority of fit professionals running around but they were the ones that got the first pick of the most desirable women and everyone else fell into place on down the line. And often there were men that were less attractive, less fit, less socially adept and less social/professional status and they still got nice, decent quality women. Here is a big part of my point though - those second-tier males were able to get quality women IN THE REAL WORLD. They would not be able to get that same quality of woman in OLD dating today or maybe if they could it would take them a lot longer and with a lot more work online than it would be be out in real world. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Author oldshirt Posted June 24, 2012 Author Share Posted June 24, 2012 People were slightly more friendly and were less demanding, picky, and pretentious. But they were still people and they came in all shape and sizes and temperaments. I don't know why a man all the sudden has to fit into some mold of a Young Urban Professional with chiselled abs to even be considered for mating now. That seems absurd! Here is another good point to make. People often ARE less exacting when they interact and know someone personally in the real world. I am only 5'10 and I have met and had relations with women that will not even talk to anyone less than 6' online. The reason they even spoke to me in real life was they could see that I had other assets that compensated for my being under 6'. When people are online and they have several dozen messages a day they will hold out for the six footer with the chizeled abz and 6/+ figure salary. 5 Link to post Share on other sites
Author oldshirt Posted June 24, 2012 Author Share Posted June 24, 2012 But oldshirt, I take it that the premise of your thread is, stop online dating...? For average and below males, YES. For average and below males the time and energy you spend trying to find a mate online will be better spent on trying to improve yourself and increase your market value. AND ADDITIONALLY as an average or below male, you are a lot more likely to meet and hit it off with someone of higher quality through regular real life activities in the physical world than you would online. For average and below males OLD is just simply less effective and less efficient than meeting and interacting with people the old-fashioned way. If you are a female or a significantly above average male you will do fine online and OLD is a viable option for you if that is where you want to spend your time and energies. 2 Link to post Share on other sites
USMCHokie Posted June 24, 2012 Share Posted June 24, 2012 For average and below males OLD is just simply less effective and less efficient than meeting and interacting with people the old-fashioned way. If you are a female or a significantly above average male you will do fine online and OLD is a viable option for you if that is where you want to spend your time and energies. Perfectly said. I couldn't agree with you more on these points. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
MarcoInaros Posted July 1, 2012 Share Posted July 1, 2012 This is sage advice. Thanks oldshirt. I have a good job, but I often find myself without any way to occupy myself after work. I've tried a bowling league, and I sometimes hang out with coworkers and friends to do things like trivia night, or playing basketball. But I don't feel like I am networking to the degree you talk about, and I am not really growing in any particular skill. I wish I was working toward something that was cumulative in skill level, that you kept learning and getting better at, such as a language or musical instrument. And I wish I found a venue or group where I could make those connections, and vastly expand my social circle. Meeting girls would be icing on the cake. But I still haven't found that outlet yet. Have any suggestions? Link to post Share on other sites
WonderKid Posted July 5, 2012 Share Posted July 5, 2012 Make your profile and make a fake profile. Contact every woman you reacted with and see how they react. Same thing for guys too. Link to post Share on other sites
It's Just Me Posted July 8, 2012 Share Posted July 8, 2012 I was tired of online dating and decided to join a local meetup.com hiking group, because I'm a hiker. The majority of people in those groups were social misfit and stalker types (one was booted for going out of his way to watch a female hiker relieve herself in the woods - I kid you not). I left that group, went back to online dating, and found my man - but it took 18 months of persistent optimism and belief that he was out there. In the meantime, I took the opportunity to gather entertaining first-meet stories that still make my girlfriends howl with laughter. For the record, I had been divorced, and on my own for five years, with a great job and my **** together, and only asked for the same. The stories, to wit: 1. I live in my mother's basement, because my ex has taken all of my money. Is that a problem? 2. I have Tourette's, and sniff and nod and make funny noises while talking, but failed to disclose this to you before meeting. Is that a problem? 3. My junk hasn't worked in a decade, even with Viagra. Is that a problem? 4. I live in the basement of my former home, because my ex and I decided this would be best for the kids. Is that a problem? 5. I took the bus here because I've been convicted of multiple DUIs and can't insure my car - oh, and I'm still in AA. Is that a problem? 6. I found out last week that my wife has been cheating on me with my brother-in-law over the past four years, and now the whole family is messed up. Is that a problem? 7. All women are money-grubbing bitches. I know this because I have three ex-wives. Is that a problem? Yep, these were all problems. And these were all just the tip of the iceberg when it came to finding good men on the internet. Caveat emptor. 2 Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Learning Posted July 8, 2012 Share Posted July 8, 2012 I was tired of online dating and decided to join a local meetup.com hiking group, because I'm a hiker. The majority of people in those groups were social misfit and stalker types (one was booted for going out of his way to watch a female hiker relieve herself in the woods - I kid you not). I left that group, went back to online dating, and found my man - but it took 18 months of persistent optimism and belief that he was out there. In the meantime, I took the opportunity to gather entertaining first-meet stories that still make my girlfriends howl with laughter. For the record, I had been divorced, and on my own for five years, with a great job and my **** together, and only asked for the same. The stories, to wit: 1. I live in my mother's basement, because my ex has taken all of my money. Is that a problem? 2. I have Tourette's, and sniff and nod and make funny noises while talking, but failed to disclose this to you before meeting. Is that a problem? 3. My junk hasn't worked in a decade, even with Viagra. Is that a problem? 4. I live in the basement of my former home, because my ex and I decided this would be best for the kids. Is that a problem? 5. I took the bus here because I've been convicted of multiple DUIs and can't insure my car - oh, and I'm still in AA. Is that a problem? 6. I found out last week that my wife has been cheating on me with my brother-in-law over the past four years, and now the whole family is messed up. Is that a problem? 7. All women are money-grubbing bitches. I know this because I have three ex-wives. Is that a problem? Yep, these were all problems. And these were all just the tip of the iceberg when it came to finding good men on the internet. Caveat emptor. Holy Smokes, that is hysterical!!! "It's Just Me", you are a very funny poster. Keep it up! ************************************************* Old Shirt, you have given brilliant advice on this thread!!! I agree with everything you've said. Thank you so much for the time and energy you have given here in helping others with your experience and insight. I appreciate it, and have learned so much!! Thank you!! Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Learning Posted July 8, 2012 Share Posted July 8, 2012 opps double post, sorry~! Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Learning Posted July 8, 2012 Share Posted July 8, 2012 I've seen a number of interesting threads on the frustration and dissatisfaction with online dating from a wide variety of men and thought I would offer some advice on how to make the time and energy you spend on the computer searching for matches a whole lot more fun and successful. Ready? Here we go - #1.the first thing to do is take a real hard, serious look at the amount of time you are spending on the computer per day that is NOT directly work or LEGITIMATE online education related. So in other words take a really hard, honest look at the time you are spending checking out dating sites, porn, chatting online, gaming, surfing the net etc etc... and also add in any other electronic entertainment time, video games, Xbox etc etc and add up all the hours that you spend in the electronic world on an average day. Be hard on yourself and take an honest look and add up all the hours. #2. Now take those hours out of each and every day and divide them up into the following areas - - do something physically active each and every day. Work out at the gym, play some kind of sports, go for walks or hikes or a swim. Do something that is physically active and will help you burn off fat and build some visable muscle development and will help you feel more energized and alive. - maintain meticulous hygiene and grooming. Get a "style". don't just run a comb through your hair, get an actual intentional 'style.'. Same with clothes, Get well-fitting, stylish clothes that look good on you and wear them all the time. If you wear glasses, at the minimum get something that fits your face appropriately and is currently stylish and fits your personal style (see there's that word 'style') again. - get out of the house and engage in a fun activity or hobby that you enjoy that also gets you around other people (and preferably gets you around females) AND BECOME AN EXPERT. Napolean Dynamite hit the nail on the head, "chicks only dig guys that have skills." If your best skills are Xbox, spanking to porn or some other online or video game it doesn't count and won't benifit you. #3. Improve yourself and increase your professional opportunities and status. Be a life-long learner and get educated and trained in trade and/or professional skills. The more financial, professional and social status you have, the more attractive you are to potential mates. It doesn't get any simpler than that. A well respected professional is always more attractive to a potential mate than an unskilled laborer regardless of what the actual number on the paycheck is. #4. In all of those activities, look people in the eye and say, "hello. how are you?" Make it a personal goal to talk to every single human that comes within a 10 foot perimeter of you regardless if they are male/female, old/young, beautiful/ugly etc etc. You goal here is to rewire your brain so that you can communicate and connect with actual organic human beings instead of silicon-based electronic impulses. #5. Do fun things with fun people in the real physical world and become friends with them. Do things with them and get out do things with them. #6. Have your friends introduce you and expose you to their friends. In the business world it's called "networking." on Facebook it's called "social networking." 30 years ago before we had computers and internet and I was in the dating world it was called "setting up" and it worked real well and that is how everyone over the age of 35 met their special someone. It works. Trust me. People have been finding love for thousands of generations before Plenty of Fish and Match dot Com came along. Take your electronic time and energy and divy it all up into those areas and I guarentee you, you will have a nice girl at your side in a very reasonable amount of time. Take the time and energy you are spending looking through profiles and trying to cyber-chat with women and get out in the real world and have a real life and meet real women. Trust me. I was 34 years old and had dated many women, had several serious relationships, had lots of sex partners and was married for a few years before I ever got on the internet. It really works and it worked for thousands of generations of men before me!! We live in a world where people want statistical proof of any claims made so here is the statiscal proof for my claims. 100% of nonvirginal men found their partners by doing the things I described above prior to the advent of online dating. (some even skipped about all of those steps and still got girls but that's another topic) It is the most time-proven way to get girls in the history of mankind. Try it!! This is just such super advice, Old Shirt!! Thank you for the time and effort you put into this thread, I am enjoying your insight, experience, and common sense approach to the dating scene. You know alot, thanks for sharing! Link to post Share on other sites
mario_C Posted July 9, 2012 Share Posted July 9, 2012 But not everyone can have all of those things. Some people were born ugly or unhealthy, some people don't have the luck to become a "professional." Some people are naturally introverted. They were born that way. These people would be this way with or without spending time on the computer. Your whole premise reminds me of the old joke: "Q: What's the first step to becoming a millionaire? A: First, find a million dollars." I do agree with you that people spend way too much time in front of screens. But I am old enough to remember a time when that wasn't the case and there wasn't a majority of fit, socially adept, professionals running around. People were slightly more friendly and were less demanding, picky, and pretentious. But they were still people and they came in all shape and sizes and temperaments. I don't know why a man all the sudden has to fit into some mold of a Young Urban Professional with chiselled abs to even be considered for mating now. That seems absurd! Because for women, dating is a buyer's market. In the dating world, the woman names the tune and the man had better dance good - have a successful career, toned body and world-class conversation for her to so much as go out to dinner. Sucks to be us, in other words. Link to post Share on other sites
Author oldshirt Posted July 8, 2014 Author Share Posted July 8, 2014 After reading all these tales of woe from guys and their issues I had to resurrect this old thread. There seems to be a new crop of guys that need to consider some of these pointers. Enjoy and discuss. Link to post Share on other sites
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