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A LONG Crush...

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Hey guys/girls!


I am 17 years old, and there's this girl that I'm obsessed over. In grade 10, it started off as a crush. About several months later, it turned into an obsession.


Since I first met her, I have gotten to know to a lot better. She's not my friend, but an apprentice. Near the end of grade 9, she had a crush on me. She smiled a lot and said "Hi!" a lot. I overheard her say "Hey look! It's the cute guy!". All that ended once I got to know her better, which developed into a crush.


Since then, her affection has shown. Smiling a lot, staring, locking eyes with mine, etc. I KNEW she liked me, but I didn't know how much. I'm the type of guy that is shy around girls, and nearly died if I ever talked to her. So, in other words, no matter how hard I tried, I wasn't able to confront her about this. I sent her a carnation on Valentine's Day.


This obsession has made me jealous and paranoid. I cannot stop thinking about her. I always wanted to tell her how I felt about her, but either something got in the way, or I was too big of a wuss to do it.


On Sunday, I called her up to see if she wanted to do something sometime. She said "Sorry, I'm kind of seeing (Name). I'm sorry." This completely crushed me. What's hurting me even more is that she plans on living in Europe.


I recently wrote her a letter telling her good luck with travelling, you're an incredible person, I like you a lot, and I've liked you since grade 10. I sent it Sunday, and hopefully she got it. I indicated that she shouldn't feel forced to reply, but I put down my number and my email address. Since then, I still feel dreadful about her seeing someone.


What should I do? I'm trying to move on, but I still have this feeling to cling on to hope. I don't know what to think anymore. I'm thinking that "don't feel force to reply" wasn't a good idea. I want to know if she returns the feelings or not.


There's probably a million threads similar to this one. Please read "A LONG Crush..." in the General Relationships section. It further describes my situation.

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Hey Sparky,


I know this girl meant the world to you. You've learnt a lot - how not to let your problems get in the way of going after what you want, how not to let fear hold you back, how to put the happiness of someone you care about first - before your own. Now you've had that reply, you can let her go. You are a fine person, Sparky. You will have other loves. Good luck :)

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