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Questions to OWs, are your MMs wooing you financially

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I have to admit that I was surprised by my MM that he threw me heavy $$ stuff for my birthday which I always thought he is a skimp person.


Is this normal?

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I among sure what exactly you are asking?


My Billy buys me nice gifts, but he doesn't pay my bills. I would feel like a hooker if he did that.

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My MM and I always shared expenses equally, we would take turns paying for meals/coffee/gas for trips/ect., I suppose like a normal couple would, with him taking the brunt of the expense I suppose(?) because he makes more than me and has 0 children to my 3. But when it came to gifts, he was always more extravagant (books I wanted, little things that reminded him of me, a plush robe I never would have bought myself, and most recently a ring), where I've always had less to spend but still make sure the gifts are meaningful (an awesome coffee cup, a PC game he'd been wanting, new cool tools). So did he woo me with money? I never thought of the expense (aside from the guilt I place on myself from such things anyway), and really more just focused on the meaning behind the gift (he cared enough to listen and remember what I wanted most, even months later).

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My dMM and I split things usually. We would take trips as surprises which was a way we wooed each other. I made more than him so I probably paid a bit more as I was also aware he was supporting a family as well on his income. For me money/gifts aren't my love language so doesn't mean as much to me. Time and sex are mine so . . . . you know. :)

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He covered his travel costs so I covered food and leisure activities and it came out about even. I didn't want to have money spent on me, I'm independent and if there's something I want/need I'll buy it for myself.

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He was an old- fashioned gentleman and saw that as his role, to provide so he did, even though I neither needed it nor wanted it. It was just part of who he was.

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