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Why do some people decide to have children? I am not knocking anyone's choices. I just want someone to help me understand what drives people to have children when they know full well it is the biggest responsibility anyone can take on in this life.


Why would anyone want to take on more responsibility in this life than what is necessary? Life is hard enough as it is already even if you are not married and have no kids and are only responsible for yourself.


I have already decided that I do not want kids and do not want to get married for the simple reason that I do not want the responsibility. That is the biggest reason I stopped having sex in 2002.


But life is still hard even after I made the decision to forget about getting into committed relationships with women. It is more than enough hard work just taking care of me and doing what I need to do to have my physical necessities in life met.


So why would anyone add more responsibility to their lives than necessary?

Being the father of 6kids is quite easy for me I love kids and my life is not dull moment me and my wife decided on having kids because we both wanted it and very happy overall with the decision yep its a big responsibility but I love challenges every day especially each of my kids I have learnt something new from them on a daily basis I see more positives than I see negatives my life would be completely lonely , besides I come from a family of 12;);)
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What I find odd is someone who claims to love kids, wants to have kids, her life would be meaningless without them, etc., never spends time with kids. Become a teacher or start a daycare. There are so many neglected children. Join charitable groups that sponsor kids' outings or activities so you can actually spend time with them instead of believing media fantasies. It's my theory that is why so many people abuse their own kids. Those damn kids aren't like they are on TV!

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I guess there's advantages and disadvantages on both sides. I guess it depends on what is more important to you in life.

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