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i am a asian male 23 yr old virgin never had a gf or even kissed one or even dated yea no joke don't laugh gonna turn 24 soon. might get a escort to lose my virginity but really scared of getting hiv or aids -i'm too young too die.

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dont get an escort. There are plenty of girls out there for you, but you have to go to them. Go out to a bar with some freinds.. and when you seem some single ladies at a table.. go up to them and say something. All it takes is a simple hey whats up to get a conversation going..


but hey its easier said than done. But trust me, you can do it.


Also, if your getting "desperate", ask some of your freinds if they know anyone they can introduce you too or something.


anyways, dont worry.. your 24.. you have a lot of life let in you, enjoy it. Dont let something like this keep you down.

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yea if u have any freinds right i have like 1 friend and i hardly even hang or talk to him i don't thinkl he wants to talk to me well i am a loner



Originally posted by rightintentions17

dont get an escort. There are plenty of girls out there for you, but you have to go to them. Go out to a bar with some freinds.. and when you seem some single ladies at a table.. go up to them and say something. All it takes is a simple hey whats up to get a conversation going..


but hey its easier said than done. But trust me, you can do it.


Also, if your getting "desperate", ask some of your freinds if they know anyone they can introduce you too or something.


anyways, dont worry.. your 24.. you have a lot of life let in you, enjoy it. Dont let something like this keep you down.

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bah, lookit me, I'm asian and I'm 31. If I could go back I'd be a virgin...but once I did the deed, I said oh well. Damnit why do women have to be so irresistable to someone super straight! :D


Only do things that you want to...for instance if girls make you go "yama hama". And not because you think you need to be some stud who sleeps with all the skanky hoochies. And by skanky hoochies, with my morals that's saying a lot, lol.

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Dude, you've confused me-are you a born again virgin?


Joel, paying women for sex is NOT going to improve your self esteem. Someone special will come along for you eventually. Get out, and get involved in life!!!


You live in a large city. If need be, you can hook up with other loners and stew in a mire of unhappiness-misery loves company, and you could very possibly meet women that way. Also, if you're so inclined, try online dating. This will give you a chance to develop your personality and social skills. So you won't be labelled a social hand grenade by your peers.



Cheer up. Things will get better for you.

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nah, I'm not a born again anything...although...I might say I'm a born again vegetarian...cuz I love brocoli, tofu, peaches...hmmm, heaven hehe


with me I truly love just listening to women...now if they start moping and groping I can't resist...so I always hope they don't cuz I give in. :D . Yeah, I'm content just to listen to a lady talk all night, hold her, look into her eyes and wake-up next to her...I'm one of those willing to wait for a gal if she is of that standard, I'm sick huh? :p

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  • 3 weeks later...

I agree, you shouldn't pay someone for sex, wait until someone you like comes into your life and give your first time to them.

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Definitely don't pay for sex! If you think things over properly you'll probably find that what you crave is a girlfriend and companionship, although a surge of hormones every now and again can be a frustrating addendum to the problem. Sex is special and fun, give yourself to someone who deserves you. Believe us when we say that you will find that person in time. :D Try to see the greatness in yourself, because it is there in all of us.


Dude, I agree with you, a conversation with an amazing woman is fantastic. If that is sick, I wish it was contagious, although that would make the amazing guys seem less amazing. So perhaps not... :D:p hehehe

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It wouldn't be so bad to get an escourt and get the monkey off your back. Girls will hold it against you that you're a adult virgin (at least an unwilling one .. they might be more understanding if it were by choice or some religious conviction ). They will definitely hold it against you that you're insecure about being an adult virgin. Just do it once, and don't ever let a girl know you did it because it will seriously squick her out.

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When my girlfriend turns twenty two at the end of this month, she will be a twenty two year old virgin. She has dated before and such, but she wants to wait before she loses her virginity. I don't think it's so important whether a person is a virgin or not.


I wouldn't go with an escort. There are plenty of women in the world for you to meet.

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Girls will hold it against you that you're a adult virgin (at least an unwilling one .. they might be more understanding if it were by choice or some religious conviction ).


Firstly, he doesn't have to tell a girl the reason for the virginity. Secondly, I think a girl would find it nice that he doesn't have a history...

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Originally posted by HoldOn

Firstly, he doesn't have to tell a girl the reason for the virginity. Secondly, I think a girl would find it nice that he doesn't have a history...



Well, I know that many don't find it to be so nice. Its not just conjecture on my part. I have several friends who are in their late 20's and reluctantly virgins, and the moment they bring it up with a girl she see's more red flags than a Chinese Parade.


There's nothing wrong with being a virgin if you want to be one and its a choice you've made. Maybe the original poster can correct me if I'm wrong, but that doesn't seem to be his situation.


Besides, its mainly for him. He gets the virginity monkey off his back so he can quit dwelling on it and he can move on. Yeah, he would have to pay for a service. And it wouldn't be sincere, but it would be a similation of a actual event in which he can participate and hopefully decompress the issue to the point where it doesn't carry such a stigma with it and he can manage it. That's basically what he would have to do in therapy, except he would save a couple of thousand of dollars, 6 months and he wouldn't be asked to recount how his puppy died when he was 6 years old at $125 an hour.

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23 yr old virgin..hmmm.

wow your hand must be sooooo tired..


But seriously though they have escorts services in which the women are cleaner than the floor we walk on. They will get tested every couple months and are not hired if they have anything. You can get one of those and use a condom and practice safe sex and you should be fine.


But sex is so much better with feelings involved. I know your dying to just let go of your load but i think you should just chillax untill you meet a girl you dont have to pay.

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