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Does anyone out there believe in saving themselves for marriage? You know, giving yourself to your husband on your wedding night as a gift of purity? What could be better than the bond that was intened for two virgians to have for one another wihtin the saftey of marriage?

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Tender heart
Does anyone out there believe in saving themselves for marriage? You know, giving yourself to your husband on your wedding night as a gift of purity? What could be better than the bond that was intened for two virgians to have for one another wihtin the saftey of marriage? i agree with you, unfortunately,that's not reality.i'm a virgin,but i've come close to loosing it.sometimes people could do stupid things in the heat of the moment.what works for you may not work for everybody else....some people don't find it that big of a deal to save themselves...specially guys.personally,i'm gona try to stay a virgin as long as i'm able to but to tell you the truth,the only thing that really freaks me out about doing it,is the thought of getting pregnant.i went out with this guy and with time ,i fell in love with him,to be real with you if we would have stayed together for longer,i probably would have f***ed him.it just felt right...but it's good that there are people out there that have your mentality.don't ever let anybody pressure you into anything,make your decision based on your ideals and valuesand if you ever feel like you're the only virgin on the phase of this earth.you're not alone! bye!
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Does anyone out there believe

in saving themselves for marriage? You know, giving yourself to your husband on your wedding night as a gift of purity? What could be better than the bond that was intened for two virgians to have for one another wihtin the saftey of marriage?

There's already been one response posted on this subject, so let me try to take a different point of view. There are many reasons why one wuld not want to have huge amounts of sex, but I at least ahve never seen virginity to be one of them.


You might want to avoid disease. With the resurgence of traditional venereal diseases, and the scourge of AIDS, disease is all over and many people are simly afraid to have sex with not jsut different people, but even one person, before marriage. Somehow people feel sfaer about disease in a marriage (still, make sure you and your partner, maried or not, are thoroughly tested!).


If you're a woman (and I'm not) you might want to avoid pregnancy. However good your contraception is, there's always a chance of conception, and if you're someone opposed to abortion on principle or pragmatics, then you might not want to take that risk. I'm not going to say much about this, but I certainly see it as a good reason.


Or maybe you just don't want the hastle of having to find people to have sex with, or worry about how you're going to perform, or whatever. For whatever reason, you might worry about sex. So doing it in the context of marriage make it easier: it gives you one partner, who you can spend time, and who will expect you to grow to "fit" him or her better over the years.


Three good reasons NOT to have premarital sex. So why would you ever want to? My position is firmly that there is no question that premarital sex is not only OK but good. This is based solely upon:


Sex feels good. Sex is fun. Sex is a release. Sex is (even) healthy--as long as you're not getting a veneral disease. Sex is one of the more pleasureable things you will do in life, and I see no reason to deprive yourself of it until you marry. As for the reasons I cited above, using protection both protects you almost entirely from disease and pregancies, and if you have trouble finding or get nervous over sex, then only practice will make perfect. No one got good at anything on the first try. Don't let yourself miss years of sex over some nervousness.


So that's my two cents. I haven't addressed any of the moral issues with keeping virginity until marriage, but that's because basically don't believe in them. Call me a pragmatist, call me a utilitatarian. I'd prefer you called me right (or by email) however. :)



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