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she already said she will go to movie with me sometime. will she say no to me if i ask her to go to the movie with me on july 4th?

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Nobody here is a mind-reader. Ask her. Only she can answer your questions.

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wellll personally I wouldn't ask someone on a first date on a holiday, you know...


Holidays are times that you spent with family and/or close friends. She might have plans or if not plans, she might simply be "expected" to spend that day with the family or with a certain group of friends.


I know my family is that way. I don't know the plans but I know that if I ditched my family on the 4th, they'd wonder why. Not that they'd be angry, per se, but I'd feel uncomfortable.


If you were already quite close, then I wouldn't have a problem. But as a first date, I'm not so sure.

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