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caffeine...how much is too much?

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ok...so lately and that's too lately and too much...I've been depriving myself of sleep, something like 4 hours avg, blech. Since I'm not into bodybuilding anymore, the lack of sleep isn't too big of a deal but I know I need more :p


so...caffeine. Is there such a thing as too much in drink form? I'm sure we have to stay away from pills but what of coffee, tea and stuff like Mt. Dew? 10 cups of coffee for just one day too much? How about 2 - 2 liters of Mt. Dew?


I'm bad I know but just for one day...I think, hehe

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I think I can take two cups of coffee a day if I'm tired! Not coca cola during the same day!


Instant coffee - this I tolerate a bit harder. If I drink ness with cola, it(s a good chance my hands start trembling - I lack lots of calcium, so too much of coffee will do that.


I think mt dew, cola, pepsi, all of them have waaaayyy too much sugar to drink 2 liters a day. Sure, it can happen, but I try to drink let's say a bottle a week. Plus, you don't get 2 liters of anything here (except perheaps water, but I wouldn't guarantee), because the bottles are 1,5 liter the biggest!

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i have about 12 a week and people have mentioned to me that i am probably doing some damage to my body (at least in the way that it is not very good for me)... :)

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The recommended maximum daily intake is 450 mg caffeine per day. I recommend a maximum of four cups coffee or tea per day (4 each of 5 oz. cup), and a maximum of three cans of diet pop. With the following checklist, you can calculate your caffeine intake:


Just go to this link:



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Oh, man. I sometimes get carried away at Denny's (Local hangout spot for our quiet town) and go from 8–10 cups of coffee in one sitting. I am well-known for my occasional chanting of "I need coffee. Coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee (repeat several more times at increasingly rapid pace)!" I can also be found muttering "Need a refill. Refilllll..... Reeeeefillll......" while banging my mug on the table.


I mean, come ON. You just cannot beat black coffee :) I remember one time someone tried putting an ice cube in my coffee because I said it was too hot. I think I nearly sent them to the hospital, shouting "DO NOT, ever, EVER dilute my coffee!"


I drink my black coffee and black tea, but I do not really get into soda all that much. Once in a while I will go overboard with the coffee, but for the most part I have one or two cups a day.

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I've worked for years rising before 5 AM, going to the gym, going to work, then going to grad school classes at night until 10 PM, then driving the 50 miles home.


Caffine has been the stimulant of choice taken in the form of Stacker II 250 mg caffine about 45 minutes before gym and then a "red-eye" at Starbucks before work.

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I don't drink Tea, Coffee during the day. I do drink Coke A Cola a lot but. Have a Can or a Bottle once a day.


Addicted to the buzzy taste plus it keeps me awake at work.


I guess that is pretty bad. Need to cut back. Would drinking water during the day at the same time help make it not affect you as bad?

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I enjoy my tall 16 oz. Kona coffee in the morning and Starbucks in the evening (sometimes).

I always drink at least a cup of good quality green tea after the coffee in the morning, it helps the metabolism.

I'm glad I'm the type that I can drink a cup of coffee at night and fall asleep right after.

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Oh - Kona coffee!! YUM!!!


I'm glad I'm the type that I can drink a cup of coffee at night and fall asleep right after.


Me too. But Kona's a little rarer in these parts :(

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studies have shown that caffeine does not keep you awake but helps you to stay awake. So, if you need to stay awake, the caffeine in your system assists you in that endeavor, however if you wish to fall asleep, you can.


Yeah I can be loaded with caffeine and still fall asleep...I just need it so I don't hallucinate like I did once while working, hehe...that was wild.


thx all too for the input

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I average 2-3 mugs (20 oz.) of coffee a day. Got a full mug of Wawa coffee beside me as I type this!!!! :D


The only time I can deal with soda is when it's mixed with booze!

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