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how do u know if a guy want to have sex?

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My ex tried but he didn't get anywhere with this. He basically waited until I was really ****ed up and tried to do it then I was like get the **** of and left. So, if he gets you drunk then there you go not saying every guy will do that . He may talk to you about it first hopefully.

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tropical dreamz

You can usually tell if his kisses become more "sensual" or you think he wants to progress more then what you guys have already done, it all depends though. A lot of times you can see it in their eyes. like a sex look

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HE always like making out and he likes to french kiss so is that a sex look.

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Have you guys talked about having sex? That is almost a clue as to he is thinking about it. As for the making out that may be a hint, but you never know he may or may not want it to go any futher then that. Sorry, to be really insane on my last post but I guess it's just the subject.

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well he said he would want to do it when he gets older . but ya he has talked about it!

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Originally posted by agnf666

Have you guys talked about having sex? That is almost a clue as to he is thinking about it. As for the making out that may be a hint, but you never know he may or may not want it to go any futher then that. Sorry, to be really insane on my last post but I guess it's just the subject.



should i ask him

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How old is he? He may be nervous too. You have to be ready for it when it happens. You will know the right time and place, you have to just let it happen. If it is too early in your relationship you may ruin a good thing, or your relationship will just be about sex.

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I would hint around about it. If he hasn't had sex he maybe nervous. I would bring it up openly to him. I would say have you ever thought about us going to the next level with our relationship. Then he will tell you what he thinks about that. He will probably say yes. Let him know you have been thinking about it too, but don't want to rush completely into it.

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ok thanks u have helped a lot can we keep in contact on the internet or email

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Sure, we can keep contact. Remeber don't do anything your not ready and willing to because you will regret it.

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A good way to tell if a guy wants to have sex with you is to look at him. If he's breathing, or blinking, he will want to have sex with you.

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Is it just me or is 14 a little young to be having sex? Maybe he isn't ready. At 14 I, personally was nowhere near ready for sex.

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People, 14 is WAY TOO YOUNG to be having sex!!!! Good for him if he wants to wait until he's older. You should be that smart!!!!! You have no idea how many problems you can get into having sex that young.


Do you know anything about STDs? Do you know anything at all about birth control? Have you planned what you'll do if you get pregnant? (most birth control methods are not 100% guaranteed, you know). Do you realize how many kids your age get pregnant THE FIRST TIME they have sex?


Think a little, for heaven's sakes, before you ruin your lives.

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Well, tell your friend no. And if he insists, drop him because he's not a friend.

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it actually my friend that said it was a girl and i don't want to ruin my next four years of high school

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Good for you! Tell your friend that she should follow your example :)

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