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Holiday romance >> Friendship...Is there any future.

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Hi this is my first post and my problem is quite long so bare with me :o


I was on holiday and I met this girl and we started a holiday romance, it was great it felt like we had a really good connection, we had loads in common, were very attracted to each other and basically hit off right away. Of course the holiday ended but we kept in touch. Generally the e-mails were very flirty and although I knew it wasn't a long-distance relationship I still liked her loads.


She revealed about a year later that when she got back home she had dumped her boyfriend (which I knew about), and was prepared to have a long-distance relationship. Her friends had convinced not to bother and so she got back with him :(


4 years on we are still in regular contact and the same as the week after we had met. I began to feel dubious about it when she visited my town a couple of times and neglected to tell me so we couldnt catch up. She said she would just fall for me again and want to dump her boyfriend (she said he was basically there to serve a "purpose", because she has little choice living in a small town).


About 5 months ago I got the great news that she was moving my town! Yipee! I was over the moon and was preparing myself to finally get involved with her romatically (in the meantime i had dated girls but never cared for them the way I had cared for her).


But...she told me all the details but began to become coy about "us", and the flirtiness almost stopped. I don't think she has any intention of keeping with her current boyfriend (considering her comments about them). A couple days ago the waiting and wondering was driving me insane. I sent her a message saying that I needed to know our "status", and what was going to happen. I said I couldn't bare to keep in touch if all it was just going to all be guessing!!!!


She tells me that she likes me more than any other guy she has met, but for NOW she wants to remain in a good friendship (she hates planning ahead). She said that when she moves to my town is another day and not worth thinking about! obviously I was distraught, I thought my world had turned upside down. Of course I had heard all the horror stories of when the "f" word is uttered thats it game over!


I basically have a date when she is moving and when we can meet finally again! But I don't know what to do next? Is there a chance that we could get together romatically or have I just been a fool for all this time?


Thanks in advance!



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I don't see much of a future here. You were a holiday daliance for her nothing more. It's been four years. What have you been doing with your life? She was involved with another man, but she had a romance with you while on holiday. This is called cheating. Do you really want to hook up with a cheater. She WILL cheat on you to.


The fact that she came to town, but never told you and her current cold behavior is an indication that, whil;e she might like you, she has no intention of becoming romantically involved with you. You heard right. When a woman says she wants you as a friend, she's really telling you "I won't be your lover."


I wouldn't say you've been a fool, but you have been deluding yourself. It's time to move on, Ricardo.

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