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Winning back the love of my life, PLEASE HELP!

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Here is the thing I do not know what I should do to get my ex to consider dating me again, and I need some adivce...


Our relationship was a rather complex one, we would argue a lot and very hostily! Underneath it all though we both very much loved one another. This negative history and dysfunctional behavior added up, and was compounded by the fact I was leaving to spend the summer in France and he was off to South America. When we made the decision to leave the relationship it was extremely painful for both of us! We did a lot of discussion surrounding it, and at the time as I do now, I believe it was the correct decision. The problem is now that we have been apart for awhile and I have regained my emotional equilibrium to some extent, I have realized that I love him very deeply. He has every quality that I desire in a partner, despite the old patterns of behavior he makes me incredibly happy, and while I know I can live without him I do not want to!


When we return to the United States we will not have seen or spoken to one another in over 2 months! I need advice on how to initiate contact when I arrive home, and how to let him know how I feel without seeming overly desparate and also letting him know that I love him so much that I really would like to be with him, but if that is not what makes him happy that I respect and trust his ability to make his own judgments. If anyone can advise me on how to woo this lost love, it would be greatly appreciated!

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"Our relationship was a rather complex one, we would argue a lot and very hostily! "


You do not have this sort of relationship with the love of your life. You should not even try to get this going again. Of course you love him, but that doesn't mean that the two of you are right for one another. It's only been two months since your relationship failed. It's natural for you to feel the way you do now. But you were in a bad relationship that would only have got worse with time. Let this one go. You are young. There will be other loves.

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