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calling back drunk girls from the club

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i just got out of a 6 year relationship and am kind of rusty on my dating skills. i was at the club last night and this one girl i was dancing with was all over me. we were both on the drunk side so i don't really know how much she was really feeling me but i don't want to pass up on this chance. anyways she gave me her number before i left. i want to call her but i really don't know what to say. i'm not looking to get into another relationship anytime soon but am looking to have some fun. i was thinking of calling her sometime this week. if anyone has been in a situation like this any help would be appreciated. thanks

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i think you should call her the worst thing to happen is that she would say no she dont want to go out hell maybe she is hoping you call her

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A six year relationship? Do you mind me asking your age? It may help with replies. How long since the break up? What let up to the split?

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Call her! It's worth the chance.. and if she does say no, you're not any worse off. Also, if you do start "dating", let her know that you don't want anything too serious right now..


i'm not looking to get into another relationship anytime soon but am looking to have some fun.


tell her exactly that.. if she doesn't like that idea.. then it's her loss. You never know, she may just be looking for a dating partner to go out on the town and have some fun with!!!


i want to call her but i really don't know what to say.


Just say "Hey, I'm _____.. we met at the club the other night and you gave me your number." Most likely she'll remember (depending on the amount of alcohol consumption). I was just wondering if you would like to go out tonight?" (to wherever you wanted to go.. another club, a movie, whatever). Take it from there.


Hope this helps, and good luck!


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Originally posted by d.stevens

A six year relationship? Do you mind me asking your age? It may help with replies. How long since the break up? What let up to the split?


I just recently turned 25. I was in my last relationship since i was 19 and it was close to 6 years maybe a few months less. We were having some problems like any other relationship and it wasn't nothing big. She moved into a house with a relative and started hanging out with her male cousin downstairs and his friends. I wasn't really into that because of there lifestyle and how they were telling her she should be dating other people and has been with one guy to long. I told her one day that I didn't think it was right for her to go to this party without me being there with mostly guys and alcohol because I know what happens with that mix. She got mad at me so I told her well maybe we should start taking things slow if she wants to go that route. I didn't talk to her for a few days after that and then when I did she told me she had gotten extremely drunk one night(which only would be a drink or two on a regular night but plenty more in this case) and one of her cousins friends walked her back upstairs and she ended up sleeping with him. She swore up and down it was a mistake and she really didn't remember much about what happened. I'm sure it was I just could not accept the fact that you could do that being in a 6 year relationship. She would like to get back together but i just can't get what happened off my mind when i'm with her so I decided to go my seperate way.



I plan on giving that girl a call this week on my day off and probably see if she wants to go for coffee or maybe a movie. I want to do something where we can actually talk since we didn't say much to each other at the bar besides small talk. Thanks for the tips I thought I wasn't going to get any responses because I have never went on a forum for something like this before.

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yea like I said I'm not ready for another relationship just want to have some "fun" for now until I find someone that is girlfriend material

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I spent most of my late teens and early 20's in commited relationships. I then went wild for 5 years going out and partying, having one-night stands and enjoying my freedom.

I got alot of phone numbers and even gave out my phone number while I and/or the women I met were drinking.


What I did the next day depended on my mood.


Sometimes I would just throw the number out. Sometimes I would call the woman and we went out again, sometimes she said no. Same with if they called me.


Bottom line is you are free so go out and have fun. If this one doesn't work out, believe me there are plenty more out there.

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One night stand dating can be dangerous! If thats what you want to do make sure you can emotionally deal with it.

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Originally posted by capitald

make sure you can emotionally deal with it.


What the hell is there emotionally to deal with for a male in a one night stand? Especially him being 25.

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A one night stand is basically disrespecting yourself for hedonistic pleasure. Your not taking the oppurtunity to take the time to get to know the other, your rushing into intimacy and your going to get hurt. What is there that you don't understand?

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Originally posted by capitald

A one night stand is basically disrespecting yourself for hedonistic pleasure. Your not taking the oppurtunity to take the time to get to know the other, your rushing into intimacy and your going to get hurt. What is there that you don't understand?


I will admit you are right....one night stands suck.


Over the course of 5 years I had 50 to 60 one night stands. Some lasted 2 or 3 days or even a week.


Anyway the sex was usually pretty bad; we were usually drunk. Sex with someone new is usually alittle awkward as it is, with a stranger it's real awkward.


If the woman was older, experienced and aggressive the sex was great.


Most of my pick-ups were ugly and/or heavy set women with low IQ's or some sort of social problem....it's hard to get a pretty smart woman to have a one night stand, unless the guy is a male model or something, and that I am not!!


But I never really got my emotions hurt. Usually after the sex I just wanted to get the hell out of there. Sure I would lie and say I would call the next day and felt guilty about it, but then it was off to the bar with my friends to forget!!

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well i'm off work today until next tuesday night. i'm going to give her a call this afternoon and see whats up. maybe make plans to go have a couple drinks tonight or this weekend. we'll see what happens

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