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Love Spells Anyone?

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Hi, I need advice on a relationship. This man I work with, who I have found attractive from the first time I saw him, approached me through an email. One thing led to another, and we started having an affair. He was very aggressive and bold in the way he pursued me, and it really turned me on to him. Anyway, we have been seeing each other for about 4 months now. Now he recently tells me he is still in love with his ex g/f who he broke up with over a year ago, and he wants to try to get back together with her. He says we have to stop seeing each other because if she finds out hes seeing me, it will ruin his chances of getting back with her, although he also tells me he thinks his chances of this are slim, because the "chemistry" that was there between them is not there anymore. So, what I am seeking is advice on how to perform love spells, a spell to make him quite loving her and love me. I know some of you are laughing right now, but I have read that this is possible. Anyone out there know anything about it???? Would appreciate any and all advice. I really love this guy and I can't bear the thought of losing him. I will do anything to prevent that from happening.

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Wow, ya know i think you need to talk to him, tell him how you feel about him and then let him do what he will. Love spells?? Sounds pretty desperate and childish to me..you do know that none of that is real, right?

The only soloution to your problem is communication. He says thats he's willing to completly jepordize his relationship with you on the admittedly slim chance of being with his ex. Now this obviously means that she was very important to him, or it means that you arent.

Try to find out how he really feels about you. Tell him to be brutally honest, it will do you both good.

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EVEN if this magic stuff worked (because it doesn't), you'd be breaking one of the Cardinal commandments by performing a magic spell on him to win him back, i.e., forcing someone to do something against their will.


He's gone. Let him go. Like the old addage goes - "if you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it was meant to be."

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Do a thorough physical cleaning of your bathroom, and cover any mirrors with material (white or pink towels or sheets are nice) Then draw a bath and to the water add a small handful (about 1/3 to 1/2 cup) sea salt or other available salt while saying: negativity is washed away I am renewed as of today! Many heads will turn my way, the ones I chose will wish to stay.


Light three white votive candles or place 3 floating candles in the bath tub, focus on your body, how sensual it is, how beautiful you are. Everyone is beautiful, this spell is just drawing out your best! Women have a strange image of what men desire, and men have an equally odd image of what women desire. This is probably our society's influences, like tv. Focus on what you like about yourself (there is something). You may also begin to focus on that specific person if desired.


Turn off the lights and turn on your favorite music if possible, something that makes you feel reckless and sexy, or calm and at peace with yourself, depending on your taste, mood, and the desired end result you want. For example, for sex, you may want a sexy rock album, for general attraction, you may want a happy mellow song. The feeling that the music evokes in you is important.


Enter the bath and relax, make sure every part of your body is immersed in the water at least once. If you don't have a bathtub, tie the salt up in a wash cloth while saying the above words, and use it in the shower.


When you are finished (I spend about an hour and 1/2 in the bathroom and shave, shampoo, etc. beforehand) Repeat the original words above, and end it with:


I am blessed, I am loving, I am loved and love myself! I am love!


:confused:Or you could go ahead and realize no spell is going to work, and just tell him how you feel. I think that's what most people do.



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