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Friendship turned upside down

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I have been friends with this guy for 3 years. We met in college through a mutual friend. As time went by, we became close friends. Although I moved away and started going to a different school, we kept in touch (texting, skyping, calling) and when I would go back on vacations, we would be hanging out almost everyday. Sometimes, we would just be hanging out in his house watching movies or something. Six month ago, when I was back home, we went to this party and got drunk, he kissed me and we made-out. Next day, I was very confused. He texted me "Do you remember last night, we hooked up" I replied "No I don't and oh well it is ok we were very drunk" He replied "LOL"

I felt that he kinda was mad at me afterwards since he was not texting me at all. A week later, we went dancing with all of our friends and he was kinda flirting with this girl. Then I went away again and we did not text much for about 4 month. Then he decided to come visit me. The first day, things were normal between us. The second day at night, we went to this bar, just the two of us, he bought me a drink (I was going to pay but he did not let me) and then he pulled my stool closer to him, without meaning to, I pulled it back away from him. He laughed and things got a little awkward. Then He went back home and was not texting me for about a week.

Later, I found out from a mutual friend that he has been sleeping with this girl for months and they have this Friends with benefits relationship.

I was hurt when I found out about this because, by that time, I had started to develop feelings for him.

Few weeks later, we were all (our group of friends) hanging out in his house (this girl was there too) and when everyone was in a diff room, He sat next to me on the couch, held my hand and we were cuddling for a while.

He fell asleep after and I left. Next day, although we met up, we did not talk about it and pretended nothing happened.

Few weeks later, We were also at a friends' house party, He was being very flirty, even in front of all our friends (which never happened before) and we ended up in our friend's bedroom. We had a long make-out session; including, oral sex. I do not think it was that fun for either of us, I was very tense. He fell asleep right after and I could not sleep and felt awkward so I decided to go home without waking him up or saying bye. Next day, I texted him "I am sorry I had to leave and did not want to wake u up" He replied like 6 hours later "You left me LOL"

Few days later, I texted him talking about random stuff but he did not seem to want to talk. We did not talk since then.


1) Why would he not want to talk? would he be mad at me or not interested anymore?

2) do you think he ever liked me or was he using me to just have a good time and make-out with someone?

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I don't waste my time with guys who don't seem interested in talking to me. If a guy is interested, he will talk to you. For me, it is never a good sign if he doesn't want to talk. I don't know what is on his mind but I think u should talk to him and find out where his head is at. If u want to know if he has any feelings for u at all, just ask him.

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