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What do woman really think a man with a very developed muscular upper body but with undeveloped legs?

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What do woman really think a man with a very developed muscular upper body but with undeveloped legs?


First thought: rapper's body.

Second thought: "He should have kept things more proportional.

Now, he's just drawing more attention to his lower half."

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florence of suburbia

I think he must not own a full length mirror.

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What do woman really think a man with a very developed muscular upper body but with undeveloped legs?


Confused as those guys tend to spend the longest amount of time starring at themselves in the mirror in the gym.


I get how easy it is to focus too much on one part of your body but for all that time?

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It seems to be a common mistake men make who don't know what they are doing. I laugh at the ones whose lats are so overdeveloped that they can't put their arms down when they walk. They look like penguins.

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It seems to be a common mistake men make who don't know what they are doing. I laugh at the ones whose lats are so overdeveloped that they can't put their arms down when they walk. They look like penguins.


Or Ralphie's little brother in A Christmas Story... :laugh:

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How disproportionate and developed are we talking?


A very muscular upper body (not just a bit of lean muscle, which is sexy) is a huge turn off to me. I'm not sure if keeping it more proportional makes guys like that look less comical or not, but those big cartoon muscle arms always look a bit odd to me. Not my cuppa.


At the same time, I think it's fine if someone has naturally strong arm muscles (i.e. muscles that look like they could've come from real work) and an underdeveloped lower body -- I don't think I'd even notice the lower body difference in that case. Many activities will naturally develop arm strength but not large leg muscles, and that's fine, unless we're talking big, bulgy arms.

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I am talking 16 inch arms so big but not huge. Chest is muscular 47 inches but thighs are only 21 inches and I have rather small calves barely at 14 inches for a guy almost 6 ft. I am not a body builder guy. I used to work full time at a factory where tons of upper body lifting of heavy products was involved. Then I would tossed the weights around at home and of course as a young guy upper body only. Now in my older years I still spend time on this factory floor but not like a used too. I still like to toss the weights around. I now have some knee, hip issues. Years ago had hernia too so my ability to lift heavy with legs is gone. In fact my doc told me not too. Now I do goblets squats but I can't seem to gain much bulk or muscle mass in my legs. So my upper body looks very muscular but not my lower. My father was naturally upper body strong too (worked at the same factory) and genetically we both have slim legs. My brother has big legs like my mothers side. I don't think I am as disporportional as some huge men I have seen at the gym but certainly more than the average guy. Most comments I get are that I have a great body but I realize they are talking about the top half.

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Reason for my question is in a conversion at a outdoor pool dinner it came up about my legs. The dinner was three girls (one was my GF) and myself. The girls were talking about bodies and physique. All three girls and very fit and have nice bodies. We were wearing shorts or swim suites. They teased me a little in good fun about my legs especially when compared to my GF's. Hers are like my avatar. At the same time they all said I have a great body. One said that with a body like I don't look at a mans legs. My GF has told me the same thing. Anyways, I admit a do feel a bit self conscious about my legs so I threw it out there for the opinion of other women.

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Lets say deadlifts, squats, calf raises are your friend. There is nothing more unattractive to me than a guy who routine only includes abs, triceps, biceps and back.....hello leg day please? Nothing more sexier than well developed calves

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