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18 year old he say does girl like him or not

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Is this girl interested in more than friendship. I met her about a year ago, have seen her consistently at parties since, then the other day I ended up spending an entire day out with her and some mates by accident. She seems to really like me, and found me really hilarious, and a mutual friend told me she really likes me, but i dont know if she'd even consider actually going out with me seriously. Im normally alright fooling around with girls for short bursts at a time, but this is the first time ive REALLY wanted to make a serious go of something.I dont wanna blow it by asking her out all wrong. Help me people

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Okay...so what's the problem? Your friend said she told him/her she likes you a lot. That's all you need. Just ask her out.

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she already expressed her feelings through a mutual trusted person. The ball is in your field.

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and just ask her out! Sounds to me like she already expressed interest in you to her friend, so those are pretty good odds that she would say yes to going on a date with you.

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Once heard a good friend bitterly complaining about boys' lack of confidance. He said ". Girls these days have bigger balls than boys.". That sounds true though.

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Generally, in my experience, the girls I'd go after have fiancees or boyfriends so it gets a little discouraging to keep trying.

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Go for it. It seems quite obvious that she is interested in you. What have you got to lose?


Maybe you need to spend some time with her alone so u can assess the situation... You'll never know if you don't ask.

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