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I know this isnt a relationship problem so much, but I was wondering if anyone knew a surefire way to loose weight. I am going crazy here exercising and eating healthy and NOTHING is happening !!! This is making me CRAZY !! And i am really starting to get disheartened.


HELP ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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The ONLY formula in the world for losing weight is to burn up more calories than you consume. You gain one pound for every 3500 unburned calories consumed. So if you consume 2500 calories per day and use only 2250 calories, you will gain one pound every two weeks or about 25 pounds in a year. Yep, it really ads up.


Copy the following URL and paste it into your browser to go to a site that will give you lots of information on diet and nutrition: http://www.msnbc.com/news/DIETING_front.asp


There are hundreds of great sites on the Internet dealing with weight loss. Use your favorite search engine to find them.


You probably need to keep a food diary, a detailed list of everything you put in your mouth during the day, including your fingers. You'd be surprised at the eating we do we aren't even aware of.


Don't buy into these fad diets, liquid diets, etc. Most people gain back the weight they lose...and more. Permanent weight loss requires major lifestyle changes. And as you get older, you have to work harder at it. And, yes, I give you my word...when I am more slim, I get a lot more stares from the females. Overweight is not attractive to most most members of the opposite sex, unless they are overweight themselves.


Also, there are lots of tricks to assist us in burning calories. For instance, drinking cold water burns up some calories the body uses to warm it to body temperature.


Another good idea is to run one mile for every half hour you spend sitting idly in your chair in front of your computer screen. You can substitue a brisk half hour walk instead. Since computers have become so popular, obesity has been upgraded as a major cause of premature death in the United States and a greater percentage of the population is not considered obese.

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Become a good dancer, that means you're good in bed. And if you can dance, I'd date you (if you are a girl). Other than that, just think you are sexy, then you are, men can smell that.

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Tony's correct as always. The human body cannot defy the law of conservation of energy. What goes in, if not used, is stored as fat. Every gram of carbohydrate has 4 kilocalories (abbreviated as calories on our food packaging). Every gram of fat has 9 kilocalories. Every gram of protein has 4 kilocalories. Every gram of alcohol has 7 kilocalories. It's for these (as well as other) reasons that we try not to eat too much fat -- 100 grams of fat gives you 900 kcal vs. 400 kcal from 100 grams of carbohydrates. Whole grains are excellent sources of complex carbohydrates that will slowly release energy into your body over a duration of time such that you will not need to snack inbetween. Exercise is essential and must be combined with proper diet. You will need to run an energy deficit (burn more energy than you take in) until you reach your desired weight, at which you can switch to an exercise threshold that will balance your daily calorie intake to keep your weight at that level. There are lots of good books on this subject, but it's not very complicated and doesn't require a ton of research. I fully agree with Tony -- fad diets are terrible and should be avoided at all cost!

The ONLY formula in the world for losing weight is to burn up more calories than you consume. You gain one pound for every 3500 unburned calories consumed. So if you consume 2500 calories per day and use only 2250 calories, you will gain one pound every two weeks or about 25 pounds in a year. Yep, it really ads up. Copy the following URL and paste it into your browser to go to a site that will give you lots of information on diet and nutrition: http://www.msnbc.com/news/DIETING_front.asp


There are hundreds of great sites on the Internet dealing with weight loss. Use your favorite search engine to find them. You probably need to keep a food diary, a detailed list of everything you put in your mouth during the day, including your fingers. You'd be surprised at the eating we do we aren't even aware of. Don't buy into these fad diets, liquid diets, etc. Most people gain back the weight they lose...and more. Permanent weight loss requires major lifestyle changes. And as you get older, you have to work harder at it. And, yes, I give you my word...when I am more slim, I get a lot more stares from the females. Overweight is not attractive to most most members of the opposite sex, unless they are overweight themselves. Also, there are lots of tricks to assist us in burning calories. For instance, drinking cold water burns up some calories the body uses to warm it to body temperature. Another good idea is to run one mile for every half hour you spend sitting idly in your chair in front of your computer screen. You can substitue a brisk half hour walk instead. Since computers have become so popular, obesity has been upgraded as a major cause of premature death in the United States and a greater percentage of the population is not considered obese.

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You've heard it all before, haven't you... eat less, exercise more. You're calling out for help changing the heart of the problem so it will never be an issue again.


There is hope. Three years ago I lost 70 lbs but better yet, I overcame my uncontrollable eating... now I'm one of those who leave a plate of food untouched, I'm the one who can eat two bites of a candy bar and save the rest... I'm FREE from a problem that plagued me for twenty years!


It took faith in God, some tough obedience to re-learn the hungry/full responses, a great friend who went through the same struggle with weight, and a leader out of Nashville, Gwen Shamblin. Many churches have weekly meetings, you will hear them advertised as "Weigh Down Workshop". I believe they also have a web address for more info. And, oh yes, you can probably find a book at your local bookstore. I strongly urge you to get involved in a workshop - - I could not have made it without the prayer and friendship of some true friends.


It changed my heart and resolved several other ugly issues for me along the way.

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i would like some advice on how to know whether a guy really likes you....

The ONLY formula in the world for losing weight is to burn up more calories than you consume. You gain one pound for every 3500 unburned calories consumed. So if you consume 2500 calories per day and use only 2250 calories, you will gain one pound every two weeks or about 25 pounds in a year. Yep, it really ads up. Copy the following URL and paste it into your browser to go to a site that will give you lots of information on diet and nutrition: http://www.msnbc.com/news/DIETING_front.asp


There are hundreds of great sites on the Internet dealing with weight loss. Use your favorite search engine to find them. You probably need to keep a food diary, a detailed list of everything you put in your mouth during the day, including your fingers. You'd be surprised at the eating we do we aren't even aware of. Don't buy into these fad diets, liquid diets, etc. Most people gain back the weight they lose...and more. Permanent weight loss requires major lifestyle changes. And as you get older, you have to work harder at it. And, yes, I give you my word...when I am more slim, I get a lot more stares from the females. Overweight is not attractive to most most members of the opposite sex, unless they are overweight themselves. Also, there are lots of tricks to assist us in burning calories. For instance, drinking cold water burns up some calories the body uses to warm it to body temperature. Another good idea is to run one mile for every half hour you spend sitting idly in your chair in front of your computer screen. You can substitue a brisk half hour walk instead. Since computers have become so popular, obesity has been upgraded as a major cause of premature death in the United States and a greater percentage of the population is not considered obese.

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A lot of people make the mistake of dieting and exercising too much in the hopes of a quick weight loss. That's a mistake.Keep your goals simple and attainable-like say a pound a week? Or even a pound every two weeks is good.


Also,if you haven't been active for a while ,don't start to diet AND exercise at the same time! It takes a while for your metabolism to get used to exercise,so until it's ready keep your food intake normal.Once you're body is used to the extra workload exercise gives then slowly start to cut calories. If you try to do both,you'll feel really messed up and feel very discourged.


Also, most people want to eat a lot,so be sure to substitute food that are really fattening with food that has little fat,but you find appealing. For example,I love ice cream-but I substitute snacking on it with Jell-O.I actually like Jello,especially Strawberry with a little whip cream.Yummy!I'm sure there is tons of non-fattening foods that you like,and just eat more of those instead of the others.

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I am going crazy here exercising and eating healthy and NOTHING is happening !!!


See a competent Doctor (M.D.) for starters.


The doctor can rule out any health problems that might be hiding (or find them!).


And then help you take it from there.

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