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I'm an idiot

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Ugh so I pretty much feel horrible and am back at square one. I broke NC on Friday and my ex texted back so I decided to pour my heart out in a long stupid text and he never responded. I feel so terrible and like the biggest idiot :( I found out he went away over the weekend with his friend and his friend's fiancé (they just got engaged after only dating for a year) So he was out having fun while i was couped up In my room feeling sorry for myself. We work together and since I've sent that text he's completely ignored me and won't even look at me. I just don't know how I'm ever going to get over this. I don't understand how he can go from wanting to marry me and talking to me everyday to just ignoring me and not caring at all. I feel like he could have at least responded to my text. I usually feel ok for a few days but when I see him at work my heart starts pounding and I feel sick and I'm set back. Is there anyway fOr me to move on after making myself look like a complete idiot with that text? I just don't know what to do anymore and I'm tired of feeling horrible all the time. NC is so hard especially since we work together and he will occasionally flirt with other girls in front of me, which drives me crazy. Help please!!

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You shouldn't feel like an idiot for expressing yourself and bearing your soul to someone you loved. Just because he didn't respond doesn't make you an idiot. No one can make you feel like an idiot, only you CAN allow yourself to feel this way. Look, you took a risk and put yourself out there. I applaud you. Don't be so hard on yourself for trying to go after what you want.

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aw that is nasty! Pouring your heart out and having a no response is a total killer! Happens to the best of us though:)


Look, you will find a guy who is into you, and he will not act the way this guy is acting. Do not take the fact you were not meant to be to heart! IT is ust who you are as people, not compatable for a long term, loving relationship.


It will help you grow stronger, having to endure the embarrassment of this situation!

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Thank you. It still stings though and I find myself making excuses for him like maybe he didn't get the text or maybe he was busy. I guess this is just another reminder to why I have to remain NC. Crazy to think that if someone would have told me we wouldn't be together just 6 months ago I would have told them they were crazy. Everyone says I'll find someone else but I have no desire to. I gave every part of me to this guy and wound up completely crushed in the end. I don't think my heart would be able to take something like this again. Staying single forever sounds pretty appealing to me right now. I feel like such a fool.

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Thank you. It still stings though and I find myself making excuses for him like maybe he didn't get the text or maybe he was busy. I guess this is just another reminder to why I have to remain NC. Crazy to think that if someone would have told me we wouldn't be together just 6 months ago I would have told them they were crazy. Everyone says I'll find someone else but I have no desire to. I gave every part of me to this guy and wound up completely crushed in the end. I don't think my heart would be able to take something like this again. Staying single forever sounds pretty appealing to me right now. I feel like such a fool.


Well you learned a lesson so don't repeat it..No more contact. I know how you feel...I was soooo tempted to pour my heart out to my ex. and so glad I didn't after the breakup.


The night she dumped me (for her ex.) I'll admit I got alittle emotional but it was the last time.


People are telling you you'll find someone else...well you will in time. Right now it's normal not to have that desire...give it time.


I felt the exact way your feeling...it's been almost a year since she dumped me in such a cruel way and was crushed too...now I'm so over her...taking the lessons learned and looking foward to meeting someone special.

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Ugh so I pretty much feel horrible and am back at square one. I broke NC on Friday and my ex texted back so I decided to pour my heart out in a long stupid text and he never responded. I feel so terrible and like the biggest idiot :( I found out he went away over the weekend with his friend and his friend's fiancé (they just got engaged after only dating for a year) So he was out having fun while i was couped up In my room feeling sorry for myself. We work together and since I've sent that text he's completely ignored me and won't even look at me. I just don't know how I'm ever going to get over this. I don't understand how he can go from wanting to marry me and talking to me everyday to just ignoring me and not caring at all. I feel like he could have at least responded to my text. I usually feel ok for a few days but when I see him at work my heart starts pounding and I feel sick and I'm set back. Is there anyway fOr me to move on after making myself look like a complete idiot with that text? I just don't know what to do anymore and I'm tired of feeling horrible all the time. NC is so hard especially since we work together and he will occasionally flirt with other girls in front of me, which drives me crazy. Help please!!


oh no, you did not.. :( I'm sorry, it's "gotta suck big time" right now ...


I would look for another job, where you won't have to look at him and where you'll be able to be you again. It might trigger his curiosity again, who knows. But anyway, I don't want to give you hope, the plan is for you to get better and I think you need to get out of this situation ASAP. Maybe even get something better with more money? :)


In the meantime, act as normal as possible. Walk around with a forced smile on your face, "life is good" kind of smile, just to show people how strong you are and stop the gossips.


Good luck, I know you must feel so lonely right now :bunny:

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aww, to be honest, a lot of girls are fools to begin with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


SOOO many people make similar mistakes to you! It is SO embarrassing whe it catches up to you AFTER you do it:sick:



You have the upper hand now! It is actually really GOOD, that you now know now to act desperate and obsessed with a person who is not that into you.


Who knows - he may be sad about the break up and he may not have wanted to make it worse for himself... Then again, maybe he really does not care, and your long messages to him made him think you are still way too into him, when he is over you. Who knows?


At least you know that in the future, you will not pour your heart out to a guy UNLESS your in a loving, long term, committed relationship:) You really cannot go wrong then, in regards to pouring your feelings out!


You have learnt a very valuabe lesson here; do not blow it again!

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dont be so hard on yourself redrose, we've ALL been there.. our wounds healing up nice and then we pick at the stab and it hurts all over again..

it sucks doesn't it? Just know that we're all here for you, and hopefully, you wont talk to him again- definitely dont pour out your heart to him again either.. and initiate NC. The faster you enforce no contact the faster you will heal, we're all here for you. *************squeeeeeeeeeeeeze********* keep us posted :D

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Thanks for all the replies. I've been so frustrated because I'm tired of crying over him!! I really was good to him and my mom thinks he took advantage of that. She always says that one day he's going to realize what he lost and hurt ten times worse than me but it will be too late for him. I just don't know about this though. He does seem really happy without me, although i stupidly talked to his mother a couple of weeks ago and she said he may seem happy but she can tell that he really isn't. If only I had a redo button I would have never dated this jerk.

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