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Ok.....this one im very confused about. I am 15 years old and i have a step sister wh is 14 years old now. It all started when my dad started seeing a new woman because he got a divorce with my mom. They started seeing more and more of each other. I alwaysed lived with my mom in Texas and my dad lived in Kentucky. So i finaly got to visit him and my soon to be step mom's family with my brother. When i finaly got there I meet my step sister the 14 year old. I always had a little crush on her. But then my dad married his new wife and they moved to Texas to be closer to me and my siblings. My siblings did not realy like my step mom or my dad neither did my mom so I got cought in the middle alot of times. Later on I moved in with my dad because of personal reasons. So now im living under the same roof with my step sister. Like I said I always had a crush on her but as time went on i started to like her more and more I mean I cant help it nor hide it and dont want to go back to my moms because she lives with her boyfrind and my mom isnt realy that stable nor reliable that was one of the many reasons why i left. I dont know if my step sister feels the same way because gives me mixed signals. Like one time i was laying on the floor waching T.V and she laid right by me and put her head on my chest infront of my dad and grandparents but alot of the time when shes aroound family and friends she kinnda doesnt pay attintion to me but when were alone becase week days my dad and step mom go to work and my 2 little step sisters go to daycare. When were alone she will put her legs on top of mine when im sittn down and gets touchy and i just kinnnda go along with it and when im walking some where she will put her arms around my stomic and kinnda walk with me while hugging me. She also kinnda play hits me and other stuff like that. But im scared if I confront her she wont feel the same way and it wouuld be akward or she will tell her mom and she might make me live with my mom which i realy dont want to because i wont be able to take it there. So i wont have anyware to go. I want to tell her but im scared of the responce. Plus my dad cought me smoking and that would just be another reason to kick me out. I need suggestions as soon as possible please help me I just dont know what to do anymore.

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