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i didn't even know my affliction had a name: limerence - what is sometimes referred to as 'being in love' with someone, as opposed to ``loving'' someone. or sometimes it's called ``romantic love'' or 'passionate love.' but that's not an adequate definition, because nonlimerents also use these terms to describe their own feelings.


limerence is also sometimes called `infatuation.' but `infatuation' has implications of immaturity, and of extrapolating from insufficient information which does not necessarily apply to limerence.



Signs of 'limerence' in your romantic love relationships:


1. Passionate desires for the other person:

2. Longing for your feelings to be returned by them:

3. Mood swings dependent on how the other person responds:

4. Unable to have these deep feelings with others at the same time:

5. Vivid imagination about the other person:

6. Fear of rejection by the other person:

7. Very sensitive about how the other person responds to you:

8. An aching heart when absent from the other person:

9. A feeling of "walking on air" when positive responses occur:

10. A total mental preoccupation of the other person:

11. Feeling of deep loneliness when absent from the other person:

12. A longing to be with the other person all the time:

13. Focusing your whole attitude around the other person:

14. The need for the other person to reassure you:

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I call it having a crush on someone. Happenes to the best of us! And it does imply a bit of infatuation, but not with the meaning of irresponsability, but with the meaning of not being able to controll your feelings, just burning really bright.



I find it funny when I see it at other people, not that funny when it happenes to me. I know it's a blessing, but being oversensitive with regard to the response of the feelings or reactions of another person, left me quite a few times vulnerable or hurt.



Try to toughen up!





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