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How do I get Closure?

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I have been trying to get over this guy I really like cause he has a gf. The last time I saw him was a month ago. I have made a lot of progress since that time. I don't miss him as much, I feel so much better and I'm not as sad as I used to be but I just can't get closure. I just don't feel like it's over yet. I feel like this thing between us(whatever it is) is not gonna end(ever) until I let it go. I'm not gonna go to his classes until I'm sure that I'm completely over him but I know I'm gonna see him again at a dance event or something. I know why I can't let go. It's because when I'm around him, he acts like he cares. If he was mean to me like the last guy I liked was, it would have been so much easier for me to let go. But he's not mean at all.


When I'm around, even though he doesn't say much, he doesn't want me to leave. Please help me, I don't know how to let him go. I'm doing so much better now but I know I'm still holding on to hope that something miraculous will happen. How do I let go completely? How do I give up hope? Keeping busy won't do it. If hope is there, it is there and it won't leave until something happens - something that makes u decide in you're heart that you're truly done. What is this thing and how do i make it happen? Please help.

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