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Do not underestimate the power of positive momentum

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I've discovered it's really hard to "achieve" something good without first gathering some positive momentum. I have two examples to share, one old and one very recent. One in the girlfriend arena, one in the career field.


When I had my first girlfriend in 2004, I was proactive and getting "it done" in my life. Not only did I have a job, but I turned myself into the BEST employee at my job (with my boss trusting me as the #1 guy), I had a healthy social circle, I was involved in extracurricular activities that year in college, etc. I was, basically, in a good place in life when my girlfriend came along and became attracted to me. I was not coming from a "doom and gloom, I can't get a GF" posture, which absolutely CRUSHES any guy's chances of landing a GF. You may think you can mask some, if not all of it, but you're not fooling many people. And think about it, if it's something you're trying to hide or mask, then you know it's a negative thing, why not work on turning a negative into a strength?


Another example in my life was my career. 2008-2011 I was working part time as an after school instructor. It was for a private company. The hours were light (it was AFTER school, and only on Saturdays did I get 4+ hours and during summer/vacation breaks). Needless to say it didn't really push or challenge me to evolve. I was just doing relatively the same thing for 3 years. I had this fear of working full time and I wasn't even on the substitute list! I had such a huge mental block.


Finally, reconnecting with an old friend in November 2011 helped me to begin the wheels of change. She told me she'll put in a good word for me to her school's sub coordinator. (She is a full time teacher). So I came in one day to the district office, and they hired me to be a substitute December 2011.


I got my first sub call assignment on Valentines 2012. I'll never forget that day. It was 7:30 AM, I was snoozing like a baby when my phone rang. I knew it could only be the school, and that I'd have my very FIRST sub assignment! They wanted me to sub for 8th grade PE, and I just about jumped out of my bed.


Driving to work that morning I was listening to an uplifting message on the radio. In it the man said "NEIGHBOR, TODAY YOU GET STARTED!" Goosebumps up and down my arms. Today, I was getting started! It was something I honestly should have done waaaay back in 2007, but that's how amazing fear can cripple a person. It was a HUGE mental hurdle for me to leap over, but when I finally did, good things kept happening and happening. I was building some positive momentum!


What followed from Valentines to late May 2012 included 15 sub assignments, ranging every grade from K-8, including an eight-day span where I subbed SIX times and really developed some positive momentum. Again, it's all about cultivating positive momentum in one's life.


June 2012 I applied full time to 3 schools. One contacted me, I interviewed, demo'ed a lesson and was HIRED FULL TIME. I start in August, and my 10 year dream of someday becoming a full time teacher with my very own classroom has finally come true.


I cannot stress how much of a difference thinking positively and developing positive momentum in one's life truly is. I have no doubt those 15 sub assignments prepared me for this day, and gave me that extra push I needed to cross the finish line.


So wherever you are in life right now, just remember that small steps and humble beginnings can lead to greater and bigger things, and many times we need to start out with the basics. It's good to get a solid foundation in place, in other words. You must learn how to walk before you jog, and jog before you sprint. Every decision you make in life can either bring you positive momentum, or it can set you back.


Do not overlook the value of living right, making sound choices, and gathering some positive momentum. It just might lead you to that place where you ultimately want to be. Even if it doesn't right away, you just keep living right. Eventually good things will happen to those who persist, push through and never say never. Finally, dwelling on the past and lamenting at what could have been is not healthy. You still have today, and today your choices impact the kind of person you are. As you saw with my subbing-teaching experience, it's NEVER TOO LATE to turn things around!

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Thank you for sharing Teknoe!


It's always good to be reminded that there's people at there who show that being positive is "Tried and true". We need more people like this :). Thanks!

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^ You're welcome! ^_^


So easy to fall into a negative mindset trap, where all you bombard yourself with are bad thoughts. Bad thoughts have a way of manifesting. Good thoughts don't guarantee good things happening, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know good thoughts lead to a healthier life. There was a study conducted in fact where when someone smiles at you, you instantly feel a lot more upbeat. Which is why I like to make small talk with cashiers and such, just lifting them up during the lull of a long day. For example I was at a book store earlier and the clerk had on this lovely vest. I complimented her on it, she smiled at me, and we both lifted each other up.


It's so easy to find negativity in today's world. It can really beat you down too if you're not careful.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree with you 100%. Positive thinking will take you places you want to be eventually. Great read, great thread. I want to tell you congratulations! Also, thank you for the uplifting words.

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Enjoying your forward momentum Teknoe. It's also called building confidence through belief in oneself. Cheers! *lifts glass in toast*

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^ Thank you, guys. Funny you bump this thread. Yesterday I read an alarming statistic in a book. There was a study conducted once. They filled a tub with water to the very top, placed a mouse in the water, closed the door to the room and shut off the lights. The mouse swam for only 3 minutes before giving up.


Then they placed another mouse in the same tub, shut the door to the room but this time left the lights on. They discovered the mouse swam for over 36 hours before he gave up.


So, what accounts for the 700 times difference?


The first mouse, when he looked around, only saw darkness. It broke his will to fight and go on. The other mouse, however, saw light and had increased hope.


Do not underestimate hope and positive thinking. Hope is what keeps us running and going. If you have low hopes or no hope, chances are you are either depressed or living a very safe and stagnant life.


See the light, embrace good thoughts and never stop hoping :)

Edited by Teknoe
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Forever Learning

This is an awesome thread, it means alot!! Thank you so very much, Teknoe! I thoroughly enjoyed your words of wisdom. Amazing, truly!!! Very well done. :)

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This is an awesome thread, it means alot!! Thank you so very much, Teknoe! I thoroughly enjoyed your words of wisdom. Amazing, truly!!! Very well done. :)


Thanks hun! (I assume you are female, and upon checking your profile I see that you indeed are, hehe). My friend Becky once told me this.


Hold on, quick context and some background here. I met Becky when I was 10 back on Halloween 1994. She and her husband lived in my cousins' old neighborhood. My cousin's house was like my 2nd home growing up. And that neighborhood was THE place for a child to be on Halloween night. It was so full of spirit and energy back in the early-mid 1990s. Becky and her hubby ran a free haunted house for kids. They transformed their 2 story house into a haunted house. It blew my 10 year old mind and I never forgot it.


Years later, 2010, I drove by Becky's to see if she was still there. She was. Except her hubby had passed away (brain cancer). I was so sad to hear that. Becky and I became good friends.


We recently had lunch and I told her at the end, we should recreate the Halloween haunted house together sometime, that is, if we have the time and resources. I didn't say it seriously, but just as a nice thought/gesture.


Becky shot me the warmest smile and she said 8 words I'll never forget:


"Well Teknoe, our thoughts definitely keep us going"


We beamed at each other, remembering her husband, and we parted ways. As I walked to my car I kept thinking about what she said




It replayed over and over in my mind like in the movies, as I drove home. What simple wisdom in Becky's words there. Think negatively, and we're dragged through the mud. No one likes being around you. But think positively, and you radiate. People are attracted to you. Because positive energy can certainly be felt on some unspeakable level. There is a certain electricity to it. And the whole point is to pass your energy and optimism on to others.... being a conduit of hope and love.

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Forever Learning


Think negatively, and we're dragged through the mud. No one likes being around you. But think positively, and you radiate. People are attracted to you. Because positive energy can certainly be felt on some unspeakable level. There is a certain electricity to it. And the whole point is to pass your energy and optimism on to others.... being a conduit of hope and love.



I know!! It's awesome, and I'm getting really good at it too!! Practice doesn't make perfect, but practice brings improvement. I like that saying, I think I read it around here somewhere recently.


The neat thing is how much people like me, due to my positive outlook. It tickles me to no end!! At the workplace, I am typically the person that (most) everyone likes, and it's fun. I'm not the funny one, or the best looking, but everyone likes me, because I radiate that positive energy you speak of (except for the real dyed in the wool haters, they don't like anyone of course). Hey, we all have our bad days, no one's perfect, and life's not perfect. I can't always be Mary Sunshine, that would be impossible, and I know that. And sometimes I lose my temper or get bummed out. That's just being human. But a positive outlook does make all the difference in every endeavor. It rocks!! And, it pisses off the haters, which is funny too. Cheers love!! :)

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