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Book for Co-dependency


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A book I'm reading that is extremely informative for healing co-dependency issues, that was "prescribed" to me in therapy is called "COMING HOME," by John Bradshaw.


Basically, the book asserts that co-dependency tendencies are largely the result of trauma sustained in childhood that remains unresolved. The book contains a series of exercises that help bring these issues to the forefront, so they can be dealt with.


(I just figured that if one person benefited from my suggestion, it was worth posting)





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Excellent recommendation. I have recommended John Bradshaw books on the forum many times. About ten years ago, he had a series of excellent programs on Public Broadcasting entitled: Bradshaw: On The Family. He published a book by that title. He also wrote: "Healing the Shame that Binds You." He is a recovered alcoholic himself and has an institute in Texas.


He is one of the early pioneers of therapy for victims of dysfunctional families and has been very articulate in his books, tapes, videos and television appearances. He even had a syndicated show several years ago. Unfortunately, shows about healing dysfunctional families don't go over too well because the shows that contain dysfunctional families and dysfunctional guests are so popular.


"Coming Home" is a great book that will give incredible insight. If you get a lot out of it, I urge to read his other books and get his tapes.

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