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Tell or don't tell??

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When I was in unhappy relationships in the past, I cheated and put it down to alcohol. You can't blame the alcohol of course, but in my case I do know that being drunk makes me very promiscuous and thus much more likely to cheat. I never ever cheated unless I was extremely, blackout drunk. Therefore, when I met my current boyfriend, I gave up drinking completely unless it is just me and him having a night in. That is what I had to do to make sure I will never betray him, because he is too good for that. When you're really in love you will happily make these sorts of sacrifices for the sake of your relationship. Just something to think about.

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utterer of lies
Not telling him teaches her a very valuable lesson. That she can get away with it.


She already got away with it. Telling him doesn't change that, it will just inflict suffering and damage the poor guy.

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She already got away with it. Telling him doesn't change that, it will just inflict suffering and damage the poor guy.


No, by not telling him she can get away with it in the future. If her feet aren't held to the fire, she will know she can get away with it in the future.


Because as long as he is kept in the dark, he won't question what she does and when.

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