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Can you ever be "just friends"??

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I have been friends with a guy I work with for about 3 years. There's always been amazing chemistry and we get along so well. We had a casual relationship for about 9 months but he could never committ - he is 10 years older and was always looking for girls who were more of a practical option (so he could settle down, raise a family etc). Anyway, after agreeing that we weren't compatible in a committed relationship, we decided to stay friends.


Well, we lasted exactly 2 DAYS before sleeping together again. A long chat and a bit of flirting just got completely out of hand. And the worse thing is, I don't regret it. We vowed not to do it again but seeing him around the office today it's impossible not to respond to his advances.


I don't know what to do! I don't want to just be his FWB but thats where it will always end up. But I don't want to lose him from my life altogether either... So confused! What do you suggest I do?

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"I don't want to just be his FWB but thats where it will always end up."


People can only take advantage of you if you let them.


So he won't commit to you. You want more. And you let HIM sleep with you but YOU don't want a FWB relationship.


Now... what kind of sense does this make?


It takes two to tango. If you don't want a FWB relationship, there's a simple word in the English language. "NO."


You take the responsiblity and tell him NO when he wants to screw around. Simple as that. You tell him "friends don't do that. I want more than a FWB relationship." And then you don't sleep with him.


End of story. Take responsibity for your actions.

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