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Do I Have A Valid Reason To Be Threatened???

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I have a situation that I just don\'t know how to deal with. My bf and I have been together for 5 months now. we love each other and we have had some moments (we broke up 2x for a day). He broke up with me and then decided he didn\'t want too. We decided to stay together thru the summer and see what happens. He is unsure if I am \"the one\" that he could have a future with. Well the other day he told me that his mom ( who is a ARNP, has invited a girl (same age as my bf 24) to stay with them while she is doing her internship for med school. He told me she is going to be staying in his room and he will be staying in his mom\'s room. I was like okay. he knows that I am not the most secure person so he said he wanted to be honest with me and let me know that this is going to be happening in a couple of weeks. Then we are talking some more and come to find out his mom will be gone all summer and it will be him and this girl staying in the house alone together for the summer. I told him that makes me a little uncomfortable and would like if he would stay with me at my house while she is there..he said well I can for some of the time but not all the time. I am just wondering if I am being stupid or do I have a valid concern about this situation. He says he doesn\'t have a clue about this girl or anything I asked him if she is attractive and he said he doesn\'t know because he hasn\'t seen her. He did say that when she gets out there that he would have me come out and meet her..I am still really upset over this and don\'t want him to know how much because I don\'t want him thinking I am being insecure or jealous because that caused us some problems before. please help me and let me know what I should do about this

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I think you need to think about if you trust him or not. If you don't trust him, then hmmmm... it will drive you crazy.


If you do trust him, think and lean on that. Don't be blind or naive, but also don't over eggagerate the situation either. It would be a good idea to meet her, you never know, she could be a really nice person who doesn't want to get in the way of anyone, or she may not even be attracted to your bf or vice versa.


Do let your bf know your concerns, and see how he acts. If he is staying with you the majority of the time, look at that as positive.


Let us know how it panns out. Good luck. just remember....TRUST!

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