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How Thin Is The Line?

Being Abused???

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When someone is very controlling and expects you to submit to them, that is mental abuse. When you are walking on eggshells worrying about how your mate will react because he wants to control your every move, thought, reaction, etc., you cannot be free to be happy.


This can wear you down eventually and you will do anything to keep the peace, including giving up your deepest desires for freedom and happiness. But just as with physical abuse, you have to do something to break the cycle. Otherwise, your self-esteem will vanish and you will be like a puppet, controlled by someone else's strings.

Can you please tell me exactly how thin is the line between CONTROL******SUBMISSION******and MENTAL ABUSE?
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There is one thing between the thin line and each of these. That's the recipient's permission. Unless you have a gun to your head, you don't have to tolerate any of this crap unless it is your decision to do so.


In my opinion, a person who freely allows any of these to take place is irrational and insane.

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