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Mixed emotions

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I am wondering if other people have a tendancy to let outside stressors affect the feelings they have for their mates? I know I love my boyfriend but anytime that something goes awry in my life I feel like it is the relationship that is the problem. When things are normal and smooth, I am fine. I also get annoyed with him and sometimes dont want him to touch me or be even living together. This is my first real healthy adult relationship so I am used to instability and unreliability from people which he is neither of those. How do you cope with the stress so it doesnt reflect onto the relationship?



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You try to be open and honest with yourself and with him. He's not a mindreader. When you know that life is getting you down, let him know. Give him the opportunity to support you. He can't help you if he doesn't know what's going on.


And if you're feeling cranky, let him know that you're feeling cranky and that you're not going to be very good company. Find a productive way to mitigate the stress and unwind, e.g., exercise, without taking it out on your partner. Find what works for you.

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