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Need Some Advise Please help

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I need some advise on my boyfriend always stareing at other girls. I know its normal to look but he stares. I have been with him for almost 2 years and after we moved to my home town in New York he chested on me with a girl that he worked with. He said he was sorry and i forgave him and stayed with him but my question is it normal for him to stare at girls when he is with me all the time. I am trying to build back trust and every time i start to he ruins it by something stupid. I was sleeping one night and i woke up and he was on the net and i seen him looking through profiles on yahoo and i asked him what he was doing and he lied to me saying he wasn't doing nothing so i came over to the computer and asked him to let me see the mouse so i could look cause he had a guilty look on his face and i looked and seen he was looking through 100's of profiles of girls his age. He has a thing with asians which im not asian i am white but i think it was wrong for him to be doing that cause i am trying to build up trust and he keeps breaking it down. Why would he need to look at that many profiles. I had to stop him from looking at porn cause he was doing that when he cheated on me and that makes me feel i was open to let him look at other gilrs and that made him cheat. So now he only looks at porn when im around him I think.He says it normal to stare i say its not. I say its normal to look but not stare. When we lived in North Carolina he use to be on my case all the time about looking and he use to say it was disrespectful but now that we moved to New York thats all he does. He says he realizes its normal now. I say its so wrong but i can't convince him it is. He says he's doing nothing wrong. PLEASE give me some advise and help me so i can make him understand that its NOT right.



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It doesn't matter if it's right or wrong. It bothers you, so he should have some manners and respect your wishes. It seems really immature that he can't control himself. There are certain sacrafices that we all make when we get in a relationship. For instance, I don't flirt with guys any more. And my BF tries not to fart in front of me. This requires that same amount of control as stopping staring.


He obviously knows that it bothers you, but doesn't care to stop.

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It's perfectly normal for guys to look at other women and yes that includes porn. But doing so infront of you, is a blatant disreguard for your feelings.


Lol you think he only looks at porn when you're around ?........lol wake up and smell the coffee. :laugh:

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