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Angry at a friend.


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I don't want to get into a whole thing about it. I'm angry at a friend. I don't know what to do about it. She's leaving town soon. I could tell her how I feel and risk making the cut go deeper or deal with it on my own. Either way, I don't think I'll be answering her calls for awhile.

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Is the friendship worth saving? Is what happened enough to ruin and change things between you two forever? If yes, then don't bother making any effort. Let it die a natural death.


But, if you think some time in the future things could be fixed, then do talk to her before she leaves and sort it out.


Life is too short to hold grudges and hang onto anger.


Awful to bring up, but anything can happen..What if she got into an accident, something bad.. How would you feel if she was 'gone' and you didn't get to talk to her, sort stuff out?

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