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Should i wait or should i give him a due date?

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Hi my name is Michelle. I need advice on my problem. I have been with my ex boyfriend for 5yrs and he cheated on me. I forgive him because I love him. I didn’t tell him to get checked when we got back together. We broke up for good after a month of been together. For 8 month I was single and I found this great guy that made me fell loved and wanted.

We got together. A month ago I when for a regular check up and I found out that I had Chlamydia. I told my boyfriend wish he send he was going to stay around because he loves me. One think I was always true to him the only think the night before I meet him I got so drunk that I had sex with someone that I work with. With that person we did used protection. I told my boyfriend, he got mad.

His mad that I did not tell him about it since the begging but I was a shame of what happen. We are not together because he needs time to forget and he wants me to wait for him. I really care and love him more than my ex boyfriend the reason why because I’m begging him to forgive me and I have tried everything even writing this forum.

So far we are only friends and we are burly going out in a date. I’m afraid that I will wait for him and the end he will tell me sorry is over or him meeting someone else. What should I do should I wait or should I give him a date when he needs to let me know if this relationship will go on or not? Please give me advice I don’t know what to do or think.

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First, chlamydia, is the most common STD in the country. It is easily treated and no big deal really. There's nothing for you to be ashamed of. Secondly, you could have picked this up from your ex OR you could have picked it up from your current so-called BF. What if your ex is clean (doesn't have chlamydia)? Have you spoken to him? He needs to know so that he can be checked.


What you did and who you slept with before you met him (even the day before) is none of your BF's business. You don't have a thing to beg him to forgive you for. This guy's being a total jerk. Forget him and move on.

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Actually, it is a big deal, it's an STD-if it were something worse you wouldn't be singing that tune. You've explained yourself to him you don't need to apologise or explain further. Get out and do fun stuff.


Personally, it's a weak line to say "I did it before I met you!!!!" because no one ever believes it, and no one CARES they're still mad. So now you've go some issues to deal with. Try letting him contact you, as much as it hurts, don't contact him. That way, when you talk, it's because he wants to talk to you.

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Mr Spock, I said it isn't a big deal because chlamydia is soooo easily treated. It wasn't even considered an STD years ago, because it can be transmitted non-sexually. See here's the deal on STDs. They are infectious diseases, just like any other infection disease. That's how doctors look at them. But because genitals have to touch (SEX! OMG!!) in order for them to be transmitted, everyone blows them way out of proportion and puts a moral stigma one them that has no basis. People like Michelle are left to feel guilty and ashamed. Remember when AIDS showed up and people were saying "well, that's what those queers get for being so depraved!"


While you are correct that there are far more serious STDs out there and that you have to be careful, you must also accept that if you have sex, there is always an element of risk. Your job is to minimize the risk by behaving responsibly. In Michelle's case I think she's done this. She was in two committed relationships. If your mate is clean to begin with and faithful, at some point, if you're using another method of birth control, you are not going to stick with condoms forever. Michelle was behaving responsibly and has nothing to be ashamed of.

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