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Gross topic Sorry but I need advice!! Please help!

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Okay quick question....can you tell me if it is normal for a woman to have extremely heavy bleeding? Sorry for the gross topic but I really need to know..... :sick:


My sister says she has had extremely heavy bleeding with severe cramping for years, like every time she moves during that time of the month she "gushes" mainly it gushes towards the back and runs right off of her Kotex. I had never had this until recently and now I'm starting to "gush" and have severe cramping and really heavy flow.


Is this normal? Has anyone else ever had this or is it something that I should talk to a doctor about? I would rather ask on here than a doctor so any insight would really help!

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everyone has there own normal......so if this is not yours, then yes see a doctor. if you are concerned, yes, see a doctor.


have you switched any meds, stopped or started? that may affect flow, but do call a doc if you are not sure, cause it could be something serious.

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I take a medication every now and then when I need it basically like Nexium. I don't know if stopping and starting this frequently would affect me in this way.


I've heard so many different things about what's "normal" for women....I just didn't know if such a heavy flow was normal for anyone....anyway thanks for the response.

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I just didn't know if such a heavy flow was normal for anyone.


Unfortunately it is "normal" for some women. But it's hard to know exactly how heavy you're talking here. Can you think of anything that could be causing this (changes in exercise, weight gain, recent pregnancy, changes in birth control (coming off the pill), etc)?


I used to have a fairly heavy period, but it slacked off tremendously when I was suffering with an eating disorder, and luckily, even after reaching a healthy weight again, it has never been close to what it used to be. I feel for you.


Is there a lot of clotting? So sorry to be gross. I think the term used for excessively heavy periods is "menorrhagia". Maybe googling for some information would be helpful.


You should still see your doctor as you might have some overgrowth in the muscles in the wall of the womb - fibroids (I believe. Fibroids aren't cancerous, by the way). Is anemia a possibility?


Hope everything turns out ok.





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I do clot but not huge clots (like when I had a miscarriage). Again sorry to be graphic.


I will be searching for some info in a minute...and when I was younger I was diagnosed with "anemia" and haven't been checked since being an adult....would that affect monthly flows? Thanks DerangedAngel for the very helpful info, I've lost a few pounds here and there but nothing too fast and excercise rountine and all is the same...I think I'm going to read up on both possibilities! Thanks a lot! :)

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What you are talking about used to be me every month. after i had my daughter and got on the pill is only when my periods started to not be heavy.


i used to go home from school, work, my cramps were so bad...i would say the pain was worse than labor to help give you an idea of what i am talking about.


see about getting on the pill maybe, i am so glad i did, my periods now are a lot lighter and i hardly ever get cramps now.


i remember thinking i am going to die!

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Thanks supermom! One question about that....what will you do if you want to get pregnant again in the future, (I don't have children but do want a family in the future) currently I am not on the pill and am scared if I take the pill I won't be able to have children.

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what will you do if you want to get pregnant again in the future,


you stop taking them! Infact you have to take them at the same time every day because if you miss pills you can get pregnant.


I am on the pill bc i don't want more children right now, but if I did it would be easier to have one because it is not a permanent thing.


I've taken depo provera and do not suggest it! Also they say it can take 3 years to get preg after you stop taking it.


Not only does the pill prevent me from getting preg, but my periods are normal now. I pretty much know what day it will start and end.


My periods used to be so long, heavy, and painful. Now there not bad at all :)


Ask your doctor about the bc pill. That will probably help you so much!

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I had a similar problem, I had severe cramps, heavy bleeding and clots. When I saw a doctor, he told me that I had endometriosis, which is when the lining of the uterus grows outside of the uterus and attaches to other organs (weird). I also had cysts on my ovaries. I was put on birth control pills and since then I haven't had long or heavy periods and all of the cysts on my ovaries are gone.

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Thank you so much I am doing some research on the pill and it sounds like it could be exactly what I need, I am making an appointment with my doctor so hopefully all will work out! Thanks so much for the help!! :D

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