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what's going on?

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Well I met a girl at the start of this past school year. I really didn't like her to start with with but she was persistent and I finally developed feelings after a month or so. Well we finally admitted our feelings for each other and for the next five months we would talk at school frequently and text each other just about all day 24/7. She would ask me to be her boyfriend indirectly and ask to hang out and other stuff like that. I guess I liked her but I was busy with football and school and had some other stuff going on so I thought I was too busy. Well as you can imagine after 5 months of me turning her down(I know I deserved it) she just said we should be friends.


I was hurt at first but could definitely see why it happened. Well I recovered after a couple weeks, but I was shocked at her immaturity about the situation. I guess this proves the whole "there's a thin line between love and hatred" saying, but she would like talk about me behind my back and stuff to her friends. I guess this isn't uncommon for a junior in high school but I was still suprised. In a couple moments of weakness I texted her trying to get things going again, but it was too late. Oh well I guess if you don't take action this is what happens.


Anyways, throughout the year we would text and talk sometimes. There were other girls I sort of liked but it was wierd...In my head I would always compare them to her. When I got texts from other girls it didn't feel anything like when I got one from her, a text from her could literally brighten my day. We were on good terms by february(no talking behind my back anymore)


Well about two weeks ago I got a text from her and I didn't respond, just because I feel like she's trouble. Well I got another one a couple days later saying she missed me and whatever and then she asked me to hang out. I don't think its cause she feels guilty, thats not really her style, and even if she were she wouldn't have gone so far as to ask me to hang out after not talking for like 2 months. I turned her down, and was just sort of a dick in general which is another subject...


Maybe i'm just as immature as her because as soon as she started showing interest all my feelings for her just wen't away(I was always over her since she first said we should be friends, but It was just a hit to my ego.)


Anyways this is my question: Is it usual for you to lose feelings for someone after they show interest again? like does the "hard to get stuff really" exist?


sorry for the long story, but I never let my feelings out so when I do its like a storm ha

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I think maybe you're one of those people that tend to chase after things/ppl they can't have(and of course vice versa - you tend to run away from things/ppl that are chasing after you). Yeah, it's pretty immature to be that way. It will be hard for you to ever be truly happy or content.


It will be difficult 4 you to get the person you want because when you want them, they don't want you and when they want you, you don't want them. I use to have a tendency to act that way before but I learnt my lesson. It's not that I lost feelings 4 guys when they wanted me. It's just that I was too scared to ever let anything happen. I don't know why but I always ran the other way when they came after me. I had to recognize that habit to be able to stop it.


Now, If they come after me and I like them, I actually try to meet them in the middle. I.e, if they are chasing me, I chase them as well instead of letting them do all the work. You need to recognize that fault/flaw and be aware that you have it to be able to stop yourself from running away and turning her down when she wants you.


I think ppl like this may end up settling 4 ppl they don't really have feelings 4 because they are always pushing the ones they could actually have something amazing and wonderful with away. I don't think u lose feelings 4 her when she wants u because when she doesn't want u, your feelings re-surface.


It means they were never gone in the first place. I would advise u not to turn her down next time. Let her in, accept her invitation(or whatever it is she's asking u 4) and see what happens.

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thanks for the insight il see what i can do about recognizing this flaw and fixing it. anyone else have any other bits of advice or opinions?

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