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What Makes Women Worth Winning Over?


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Right here.




I was merely explaining that it was not a gender specific issue and she comes at me with that comment.


Your listening skills compare to those of an infant child.


I said ANOTHER example other than that one. SHE NEVER RESPONDED TO YOU.

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So, there're plenty of pua sites directed to helping men get women. There are even plenty of yahoo articles that display help for men. I lost count of how many TV commercials that tell "him" what "he" should buy "her" in order to "win" "her" over. Hell, there are even plenty of topics on here that tell guys: be confident, be assertive, be funny, pay for her meals, etc, etc


Has anyone actually wondered how they got on the pedestal in the first place? And what do they have to offer that keeps them there? You would think that since one gender is clearly valued more than the other, there would be a long list of reasons, right?



My question is if you are sincere and authentic...why do you need to win someone over. If that is what you are doing, then maybe you are looking for the wrong type of woman. I don't want to be "won over". Won over to what? The dark side, to something other than the "real"? I have two children one of each gender which one do you think I value more? Which one do you think I am rooting for to be treated disrespectfully? :confused:

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My question is if you are sincere and authentic...why do you need to win someone over. If that is what you are doing, then maybe you are looking for the wrong type of woman. I don't want to be "won over". Won over to what? The dark side, to something other than the "real"? I have two children one of each gender which one do you think I value more? Which one do you think I am rooting for to be treated disrespectfully? :confused:




Stop with your logic and common sense




That has no place on this forum

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It's funny how BrahmaBull doesn't go off attacking her like he chases all of the males around on this site.




I wasn't attacking her, really? Did you not see me call her a troll and her behavior/attitude atrocious?



I have a problem with stupidity and lack of logic and that's irrelevant to gender

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Some of you just can't simply understand a message. He's talking the general message that society gives us is that "man is supposed to win women over". He's not talking on an individual basis. I've always wondered this question myself. Why is one gender "supposed" to chase the other?



Not only do I understand the message...I understand that we should be able to reason and think for ourselves if we are in disagreement with what is pushed. Win women over...don't like, don't play the game. Understand? :confused:

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And furthermore, you don't go the extra mile to label her a misandrist and stuff like you do with guys. You literally dedicate your entire days AND topics to male bashing.


Meanwhile, Leopard, Nessa, Jacylyn, Nancy, and others continue to take subtle jabs at men. Stuff like that is OK, but as soon as someone is blunt back toward women, the whiteknights and insecure women who fail with men want to attack the guy and give him labels. Even the moderators will mod selectively.


It's kind of strange of society still coddles women, even though they never contributed to the planet, gave their lives for greater causes, joined the frontlines in war, invented necessities, etc.


You can label me just like you do the other guys, I don't even care. In the end, belittling men and telling them that being a babysitter is what makes a real man. You people should slap your parents. There is no such thing as equality when you only give it to women when they want it. Until they get treated the same, they'll always be a useless part of society - an indulgence at best - because they know that men will always place them on a pedestal.


That's the laugh I needed for today. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

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It's kind of strange of society still coddles women



Obvious troll detected



My sister in New York has 3 tiny kids and her husband works all day. Her job of raising her kids is about a 100 hours a week. My sister in Armenia has a little kid and works 40-50 hours a week as a computer programmer. Between her job and her housework/child, she's easily working a 100 hours a week



Ignore the troll

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Obvious troll detected



My sister in New York has 3 tiny kids and her husband works all day. Her job of raising her kids is about a 100 hours a week. My sister in Armenia has a little kid and works 40-50 hours a week as a computer programmer. Between her job and her housework/child, she's easily working a 100 hours a week



Ignore the troll



Yup more than likely from the neighboring bridge. :)

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Women contribute a lot but I must admit it does bother how misandrists are not called out on this board like men are.

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One person deserves to be paid for on a night out



Most relationships nowadays are about 50-50 in spending. Try harder troll



One person can hit the other and it's ok, when it goes the other way, it's a problem


I've never been hit by a woman and I wouldn't hit one no matter what she did.



You know why? Because I would break her jaw if I did as my arms are bigger than her head. A little slap compared to a broken jaw? Yea it's obvious why I wouldn't hit a woman



One person expects doors held open for them.


I hold doors for my best friends too. It's actually common courtesy



Yawn. Try harder troll

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The reason for this and OP's question: it's because we're not at a point in society where we have real equality. We still let them get away with switching between old fashioned and equal only when it benefits them, because we're not allowed to call them out. Otherwise we'll be attacked by BrahmaKnight and his boyfriend on this page.


See people? I actually answered the question instead of taking the butthurt route by dodging it and bashing the OP. You people need to grow up. Now I see why some of you are regulars on here. Women can sense brown nosers from a mile away. Only desperate and insecure women (especially on these types of forums) want guys constantly kissing their asses. whiteknights struggle with women in real life. Brahma's already admitted to that, but he doesn't learn and is in denial.




Yea I'm a white knight because I don't agree with your extremist female bashing nonsense and actually dare to have a moderate view about this stuff







Oh brother, you've never met a real white knight. Have you?

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After she lost her power by putting out.



Actually no, most relationships I know are often times equal after the first date and there's usually no sex until the 3rd or 4th date. Try harder troll


It's because you're a soft whiteknight who dedicates his life to attacking males on message boards, and are too afraid to check a woman even if she slapped, spit on you, and threw a drink in your face. you'd bend over and take it all. you know i'm right.



Those things have never happened to me and they will never happen to me because I treat everybody nicely and I have never run into any confrontations. All my friends and acquaintances love me to death because I treat people with respect



But in the impossible scenario that would happen, I would restrain her until she stopped acting like an idiot, but punching her? No sorry I'm built like a rhino and I don't want to break a woman's jaw. I wouldn't punch anybody that's half my size and 1/10 my strength regardless of gender



Way to completely ignore the chivalry comment. Is it or is not coddling? Stop dodging



What's so bad about being nice to your date? It's not a one way street. If you're being extremely chivalrous and not receiving the same affection in return, then you're dating a woman who is clearly not worthy of dating. That's your mistake




Yawn, try harder troll

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2.50 a gallon



"never contributed to the planet"


Are you the first successful test tube baby? I didn't know we had advanced that far


Do they not teach history where you live?


Here is some of what you missed


It was women who advanced mankind from the hunter gather societies into the modern age. It was they who learned how to plant seeds and raise crops


Seventy years ago our nation was in deep sh^t with a war. Next month will be the anniversary when we made out first landings in the Pacific


In the fighting that followed we ended up with just one aircraft carrier, and then it was damaged


But on the last day of 1942 we put a new large carrier in service, in the following year, another new large carrier entered service every other month, and that does not include the small light and jeep carriers


During WW2, 2.700 liberty ships were built


B-17's 12,500


B-24's 18,000


B-25's over 10,000


B-26's over 5,000


P-51's over 15,000


P-47's over 15,000


P-38's almost 10,000


And that does not include all of the ships, jeeps, tanks, rifles, bullets, landing craft, etc.


We won the war by out producing our enemies.


With over 20 percent of the male population serving in military service, who do you think built all of this equipment?


The good fairy's?


The point can be made it was the women who won WW2

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Yea I'm a white knight because I don't agree with your extremist female bashing nonsense and actually dare to have a moderate view about this stuff

No you are a white knight because of what you say and, more importantly, how you say it. It's all very transparent.

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No you are a white knight because of what you say and, more importantly, how you say it. It's all very transparent.


No doubt about that. Perhaps the finest example LS has ever seen.

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Mme. Chaucer
I dunno why people even bother to reply to Negative Nancy with her delusional ass posts. They're all pretty much the same, with that stupid trademark icon.


Sometimes I think it's really a guy who posts that crap just so there is actually an example of "misandry" on LoveShack. Without NegativeNancy, it would be quite a rarity, for all the complaining about it.

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No you are a white knight because of what you say and, more importantly, how you say it. It's all very transparent.



What's my entire point been in these threads?




Ignore the broads who don't share your values - the ones who expect a free ride and everything handed to them and date the ones who do share your values - who work hard, who believe in 50/50, who will treat you well and return your love and affection that you will give them. There are plenty of women like this - hell there are 5 or 6 of them in my family alone and I feel very offended by this garbage on this site because it's a direct insult at them



I've never once justified the behavior of misandrists or gold diggers. I bashed negative nancy several times in this thread. I've never said the world is perfect or that I agree with the aspects of dating that are still stuck in the 1950s. I've always said that women should approach men just as much as the other way around. I just don't fight these issues anymore cause it's a losing battle. These are socially accepted things that are impossible to change. Just accept it or keep suffering



With that being said, I've never once bashed the males here about the issues with them I do agree with but they don't stop at the things that make sense (like the fact that women should approach just as much as the other way around - there's no doubt about this). I bashed them on the retarded sh*t they say like "women get coddled in our society" when your average housewife works 40 hours a week nowadays AND does the majority of the housework/cooking. I don't understand who these women are that you know who are getting coddled but they're very very rare in my experience

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Mme. Chaucer
. We still let them get away with switching between old fashioned and equal only when it benefits them,


Exactly what do you mean by "WE still let them get away with" etc.? Who is this "WE" of which you speak?


Adult women like myself don't need anybody to "let" us do anything. We are in charge of exactly what we choose to do, and what our priorities are. So are you, supposedly. If you are actually an adult, which, from the tone of your posts, I am not certain about.


If you don't feel like "winning over" any women, by all means, don't! I'm sure everyone will do just fine.

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There are other misandrists on here. Look at nessa who openly encourages women to cheat and there was also that poster named Woman in Blue who said she was glad to see men mistreated. You also had Megandoll but she was probably a troll.

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Mme. Chaucer
There are other misandrists on here. Look at nessa who openly encourages women to cheat and there was also that poster named Woman in Blue who said she was glad to see men mistreated. You also had Megandoll but she was probably a troll.


Megandoll was a male troll.

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Strangely enough I don't see Negative Nancy as a misandrist. Misandrists have that heartless attitude towards men where they feel no guilt towards treating a man like crap. It's like men are not even human to them. I think my mother or my ex could murder a man and not feel an ounce of guilt. Negative Nancy just strikes as a very cynical and mistrusting person but certainly not heartless towards the male gender.

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I have to say , I like Negative Nancy, a lot of the blanket statements she makes about men are more or less. What I like about her posts especially, however, is that she has no problem admitting when women do bad or illogical things, unlike certain posters like Disenchantedly Yours and Mdme Chaucer.


She's as principled as a woman can get, I bet that bitchy attitude of hers is because she's probably really hot and bratty, all she needs is a man to spank her into shape .



Except when she says that "all men love to cheat and want to bang multiple women" or that "only thing men care about is looks". Pure nonsense



I've gone on record to say that I would love a FFM threesome but my only interest in that regard would be to watch my girl sex another girl. I have zero interest in having sex with a third party while being in a relationship



Furthermore, I've gone on record to say that I would never date a beautiful girl who was stupid or annoying no matter what. It's just as embarrassing for me to hang out with somebody like that who can't carry themselves with grace and dignity in public as it is for me to be seen with a whale

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Mme. Chaucer

I don't think the other one you mentioned is a misandrist, either. She got badly hurt and now she's "tough." I believe it will pass and she will be vulnerable again one day, and probably a lovely girlfriend for the right guy.

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I don't think the other one you mentioned is a misandrist, either. She got badly hurt and now she's "tough." I believe it will pass and she will be vulnerable again one day, and probably a lovely girlfriend for the right guy.


Which one?


Also doesn't this also apply to some of the men who were betrayed by their exes and hurt badly?

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