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taking me for granted?

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so me and my ex have a 1 year old 2gether. we used to live 2gether but i left him and now he lives at his brothers girlfriends house who is also my best friend and i live back at my moms house with the baby. i always drive him where he wants to go, bring him food, cigarettes, whatever. he doesn't have a job or a car. so yesterday night i was hanging out with a friend and we picked him up and we all hung out all night. the next morning i go on FB, he has me blocked on FB and refuses to add me but i found a way to see his still, and i live at his facebook and hours before we hung out he posted this "my status says 'SINGLE'. people ask well wat about your babys mom? thats a good question, i say what about her? if she knew how to act rite she'd be more then my baby's mom"

i felt so direspected by that, i told him im done and to never talk to me again and he said similar things. hes like "your jsut mad that im telling u the truth, u dont act rite" mean while i never cheated on him or anything and always tried to do things for him. am i wrong or do you think i should just move on once and for all? -__-

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You both sound pretty young. I understand that he is the father of your child, but you have no obligation to him. In fact, I'd say he owes your child a hell of a lot more than what he is providing. Tell him to man up and become a father before you're worried about we he says about you on stupid facebook.

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Of course he is taking you for granted, because you let him. Don't give him rides, don't bring him food or cigarettes. He can do all that on his own.

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