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i am attracted to married man and things have happened just not sex but it could

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hello all .

I am very confussed. there is this married man i work with. He is very attractive . and i am attracted to him and i guess he is to me too. there have been several things happen. We have shared a kiss and it seemed to have lates forever and it seemed so right. And i enjoyed it way to much. since then i have had my breat pulled out of my shirt and looked at . i have had his hand ramed down the back of my paints and i have been figered to. and up untill the night that he finger me he was still beign flirty and all of a sudden it has stoped. and he dont say much to me anymore and when i asked him what was wrong he said he had alot on his mind.

he still ask me to **** him too. and alot of me wants to but i dont want to hurt anyone or anyboady. and it hurts me that his actings have chaged so much already. and i dont want to loss him and his flriting behavior it gives me something to look forward to and he cant tell me that is it not going to happen that way. even after the kiss he was kidn of backwarads. i just need help. did he find out that he likes me a little more then he thought he did or what? i need advice. i think he is not happy in his marriege but he dont want to get out he has two kids. and he loves them very much. and she makes good money. help guys please.

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Sorry, honey, but he doesn't love you. He just wanted to have some fun with you. He probably stopped the relationship because he realized that he shouldn't do it.


Please stop now. You will hurt yourself, you will hurt this man, you will hurt his wife and you will hurt his children. I know this is hard and you think you have feelings for him, but please realize that no good can come of this.


Join an internet dating site and find a single man who can give you everything you need.

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He's married. Why do you want to start a relationship with a married man? And this is not a "moral" stance that I'm taking. There is much heartache and suffering involved when you enter a relationship with someone that is married. Don't let this continue. Stop it before your heart becomes involved and you're hurt.

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You're going to get yourself hurt, along with the rest of his family. It's wrong to be with a married man, and you know it, or else you wouldn't have written on here. You should stop things RIGHT NOW before they go any farther. If he does have sex with you, most likely he will realize it was wrong afterwards, and you will lose him even as a friend, and that will hurt you more than just telling him that there can't be any sexual activities between the two of you. He's married, he has two kids, why would you want to mess up their lives? I'm not saying it's all your fault, because it's definitely not. He is to blame, too, very much to blame. He needs to get his priorities straight. Just think, how would you feel if you were his wife and he was doing these things with another woman?

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hey guys i did not say it was right. he is such a good friend of mine. and i hate to lose him. he makes a bad day a good day. And i dont think i would ever be able to sleep with him. I just wish he was not married. i would date someone like him and i think he would date someone like me to. if only fate cuold steep in and change things but i know they cant.

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hey guys i did not say it was right.


You didn't say it was wrong either. And neither did we, we were just telling you that it's a bad idea and you'll just end up getting hurt. Plus, this guy is a jerk and a liar. He lies to you and he lies to his wife. You shouldn't wish he was single, because even if he was he's still be jerking you around.


i would date someone like him
You'll have to give up on this guy before you can find one of your own, who is hopefully a decent person -- unlike this guy.


if only fate cuold steep in and change things but i know they cant.


Sadly, fate will not step in. But you can change YOUR OWN life by leaving this guy and moving on.

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I guess i am not thinking right i still like him no matter what. he is a good Friend to me and many others. and all i am saying is i wish someone that has some what of his personally i would like to come along. I hope me and this guy can be friends for many years and i hope he sees me get married and be happy. I just wish if he was not happy he would do something about it that is all i am saying.

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He is NOT a friend, good or otherwise.


He has kissed you and fondled you. Probably did the same with his other 'many friends.' No friend would do that. I hope he didn't stick his finger up someone else's twat and carry a disease to yours.


He's a liar and a cheat right now. The only decent and ethical thing you can, and should, do is to tell him to fix his marriage, or get a divorce. And ONLY after he is divorced will you have any kind of relationship with him, except a purely professional one and that you will only see him at work when there is a 3rd party present.


Go and read the OW/OM threads and you will see where this path is taking you. Don't cheapen yourself so.

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Yep. Chances are you're a piece of ass-like I said to Curly, the reason it's illegal to f*ck a retarded woman in a coma is so that men don't sneak in there and do it. Because they will. (thank you , PGB)


Oh sure, not ALL are like that. But enough are. Steer clear.

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