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Should the number of partners effect me??

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Im looking for some advice. I've been with my gf four months but have a hang up of the amount of people she has had oral sex with (8, 9 counting me) is this wrong of me? Every thing is wonderful and in spite of this and still is. Its just something that pops into my head when I feel somewhat insecure and I start to feel jealous. Thanks for any thing that can be said. Oh yea and its not a matter of leaving her over it or anything like that just something that I want to get over so I can gave her 110% of myself.

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I don't think you should worry.


My husband once told me that he has had 20 girls give him bj's....infact, he let 2 "practice" on him at the same time.


Yeah, I was a pit bothered, but it doesn't effect me now. You can't control or change what a person does before you but you can deal with whatever happens while shes with you.


Try to not analize it so much and enjoy your relationship :)

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9 people isn't a lot. You may just be jealous that she's had more partners. I'd get over it, if I were you, especially since the number is probably higher (women tend to lower it so it won't make men feel inferior-OOPS!! She didn't lower it enough) just because she's preformed fellatio on a few people doesn't mean she is going to cheat on you. You should be glad she's had the experience in pleasing you that way, and hope you can at least give some of that back.

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