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what's my next move?

Mr. D

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My ex of 2 months and I took a break a month ago. We went through some ##### including both contracting Clamydia from a previous relationship of mine. While on medication for this, she left to Italy for two weeks on a church group tour. She spent many days in a convent during which they tried to get her to join (she was not expecting this). She came back unhappy with the trip but the intense religious and spiritual experience affected her. We did not have sex again and we broke up a month later. This was a month ago. We have resumed light email chat and I sent her a pic of me today along with the caption "we were a good looking couple". She replied with "Ok maybe we can do dinner one of these days." I care about her A LOT and I assume that she still cares about me. We had a GREAT relationship. She's 25, I'm 33. I feel that my next moves are going to be critical therefore I'm asking for help here. Thanks.

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You are far better off taking a more passive approach. Back off. Don't write her so often. Approach her rarely. Do have lunch sometime...maybe three or four weeks from now. Don't talk about getting back together. Just be friendly and talk about life in general.


It sounds like she is going through some sort of "finding herself" thing, as indicated by her trip on the church group tour and her experiences at the convent. She is probably doing a lot of reflecting about how she caught the STD and wondering just how sexuallly active you were in the past. There's really no telling what's on her mind.


But you will be lots more attractive to her if you make yourself very scarse and just get other things going in your life. Let her know there's plenty out there besides her and let her see you're not about to sit around a grieve her loss. That will get her to thinking seriously that she has lost something valuable. If you make yourself easy to come back to, you cheapen things for her and returning to the relationship becomes far less attractive to her.


Be very cool.

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we have been 3y1/2 together, we love each other but we are both working a lot, we can't stop working. we live together we have a high rent and he is self alliance and me i'm responsible for many things on my work, so we don't have time for each of us and we don't have time for each other.


wenn we argue, we argue for a little stupid stuff, which is not very heavy.We can't control it i'm so stressed and he is so stressed, not only to each other if i argue with any body, it will drive me crazy for very little stuff.


so i can't deal with stress, i feel so sick quickly.


please help what can i do??

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Learn to relax and make time for things that are really important. Life is short.


Visit a cemetary sometime and look at just how many of the residents there seem happy to you.


While you are alive, make the best of it. It doesn't get any better after it's over.

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