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Is she ****ing with my head?

Bumpin in My Trunk

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Bumpin in My Trunk

Well, I met this girl around the end of January. I always caught her looking at me so I decided to talk her up and see what's up. And anyways(btw this is at school) I decided to go out and play basketball regularly to let her see me. As the days came closer to Valentine's Day, she kept saying she's never had a bf for Valentine's day and that she never got gifts and all that chocolate stuff. She said these things in a loud manner(not screaming) but saying it just in the right manner so I would hear it. We continued to talk(no txt yet) and then I kinda just left cuz I sorta became bored. A month passed and during that month she dated this one guy but broke up with him because her parent's didn't like him. Around April I came around again and this time we hung out and talked more. She gave me more signals, asked for my number, sorta tried to find out if I had a girl, ALOT of flirting and hugged me alot more than anyone else. She even asked me to wait for her at the end of the day to walk to the bus. We txted irregularly but I never told her I liked her even though people said she liked me and that I was being stupid and insecure. I told her the last of school that I liked her. She then said she wouldn't be allowed to date anyone because her parents were strict but said she liked me. We txted more often and talked on the phone. Then one day I made the mistake of freaking out cuz she hadn't answered me. She never said anything bout it until later(I'll specify) She then asked me to hang out but we never could because our schedules never matched. I started txting her more and more first and her reply times got longer and longer until she started ignoring me. I confronted her about it and said it was because I freaked out and I was too stubborn and I should just leave her alone. We had this whole discussion and I ended up asking her what happened to thinking I was cool and fun to talk to? She replied, "I thought so too, so sorry." We continue arguing and finally I told her its better if we stay away from each other for a long while. I went NC since then, took her off my fb newsfeed and avoided seeing her profile until 2.5 weeks later she "likes" one of my beach pics from my vacation. Since then she continues to "likes" statuses, photos, and some other things. I thought she know that a long time is more than just a few weeks. So the question is, Is she "liking" my stuff just to **** with my head? Is she throwing me hints to talk to her again? I haven't even commented, called, or txted her since then.



I made the choice to put her out of my life because all friends are saying the same thing about her. She's just playing with you, she's immature, not worth it. And keep in mind that these are the friends who told me to go for it before I told them about the one time we fought and the whole ignoring me thing.


Any takers? I can't seem to get this outta my mind.

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Bumpin in My Trunk
so many red flags you would think you were at the chinese embassy


Well if that was the case I wouldn't be asking.



And I do think I blew it too, but my question is why is she doing what she does. I post about once or twice during a week and she never tries to comment or like on my stuff. What motive? Screwing with my head?

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She might not have seen your other posts. I miss a lot of things on facebook. People get onfb bc they have nothing better to do sometimes. I wouldn't think twice about a facebook like. When she starts messaging you then you might be on to something.

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... I post about once or twice during a week and she never tries to comment or like on my stuff. What motive? Screwing with my head?


No. No she is not screwing with your head. She most likely does not think of you at all at this point. She may be immature and fickle and is on to the next shiny thing.


You're simply looking for meaning in everything she does and does not do. Don't drive yourself crazy. If she wants you, you'll hear about it. My money is on the fact that waiting around for her will be wasted effort. Go out and enjoy yourself.

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Well she liked you because she said she liked you. Whatever happened has caused her to run the other way. It doesn't bode well for you.


But..cutting contact off immediately was an excellent move. There's a good chance she will end up coming back because of it and if she does, you should think about what you want from her when she does. Be prepared so she doesn't get to you like this. Figure it out quickly and then move on.


I would also suggest getting busy with other things so you don't have time to think so much. Don't pay attention to anything regarding facebook with her. A legitimate sign of attempting to reestablish connection with you would be at the very least, a text.


Best of Luck.

Edited by Beachead
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Bumpin in My Trunk



And thanks everyone. I have been enjoying myself. I've gone to the beach and shopped at malls and all that fun jazz. However, I do have a little bit more time since I quit my job. But either way great advice


EDIT: Now that you guys point it out, it's actually not her ****ing with my head. It's actually me doing screwing myself over by thinking about it too much

Edited by Bumpin in My Trunk
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Cool story, in my jonger years I had exactly the same type of problems...


She probably like you yeah... But she doesn't want to be the man in your "relationship". What do I mean by that??


Just like in dancing the guy "takes the lead" and the woman wants to follow


The same thing here. Stop looking for little clues from her about what you should do... You're seeking her permission to prceed and she leads you by whatever clue she is dropping.


I think you're a smart guy, but here you're hurting yourself by overanalysing the situation... Loosen up, have fun and stop worrying so much


Just go for what you want, assume she likes you,... Lead her down a path you want to go (if she doesn't want to then, don't take it personally but she probably does from what I hear from you)


I just did a blogpost you will like about how to have fun conversations with chemistry... You should check it out (it's too long to explain here and it will really help you)


Let me know how it ends!

Go for it man, you rule

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I agree with the other posters - don't think about everything so much. FB is not a place to decide pretty much anything about relationships.


Don't get so wrapped up with her.

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Bumpin in My Trunk
Cool story, in my jonger years I had exactly the same type of problems...


She probably like you yeah... But she doesn't want to be the man in your "relationship". What do I mean by that??


Just like in dancing the guy "takes the lead" and the woman wants to follow


The same thing here. Stop looking for little clues from her about what you should do... You're seeking her permission to prceed and she leads you by whatever clue she is dropping.


I think you're a smart guy, but here you're hurting yourself by overanalysing the situation... Loosen up, have fun and stop worrying so much


Just go for what you want, assume she likes you,... Lead her down a path you want to go (if she doesn't want to then, don't take it personally but she probably does from what I hear from you)


I just did a blogpost you will like about how to have fun conversations with chemistry... You should check it out (it's too long to explain here and it will really help you)


Let me know how it ends!

Go for it man, you rule



Well, Idk if you're some kinda bot but I'm going to assume you're a person. First, jonger is spelled younger. Second, you're response was confusing and I didn't understand it very much. However, I will state what I did seem to get. If you're telling me to actually initiate contact with her after she made it clear that she didn't wanna talk to me by ignoring me and telling me I wasn't fun anymore then I think that's not a very good idea. Not to mention that I went NC and it's about to be a month of it. I'm leaving her alone for my sake and also maybe because she just really doesn't like me anymore


I agree with the other posters - don't think about everything so much. FB is not a place to decide pretty much anything about relationships.


You'd be surprised. I've been able to see breakups and hookups by facebook clues/hints from faraway before anybody knew. The reason being is that I over analyze EVERYTHING. I'm a firm believer that every action has a meaning. Anything from a simple smile has a reason. Maybe someone smiles because they are happy. Or maybe they aren't but they are putting a front. Or maybe they are smiling to a certain person to throw hints. A simple smile can just also be an indicator of natural personality. I'm sort of a real life doctor House without being a complete dick. And someone mention that maybe she didn't see my posts. Trust me when I say that she saw them. Before I took her off my newsfeed I could see that she was liking pages/games/pics all the time before and after I posted anything. She only started this whole "like my stuff" some 2 or 3 weeks ago now. But like everyone said, I haven't and won't think about it because it will only bring me down

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Well, Idk if you're some kinda bot but I'm going to assume you're a person. First, jonger is spelled younger. Second, you're response was confusing and I didn't understand it very much. However, I will state what I did seem to get. If you're telling me to actually initiate contact with her after she made it clear that she didn't wanna talk to me by ignoring me and telling me I wasn't fun anymore then I think that's not a very good idea. Not to mention that I went NC and it's about to be a month of it. I'm leaving her alone for my sake and also maybe because she just really doesn't like me anymore




You'd be surprised. I've been able to see breakups and hookups by facebook clues/hints from faraway before anybody knew. The reason being is that I over analyze EVERYTHING. I'm a firm believer that every action has a meaning. Anything from a simple smile has a reason. Maybe someone smiles because they are happy. Or maybe they aren't but they are putting a front. Or maybe they are smiling to a certain person to throw hints. A simple smile can just also be an indicator of natural personality. I'm sort of a real life doctor House without being a complete dick. And someone mention that maybe she didn't see my posts. Trust me when I say that she saw them. Before I took her off my newsfeed I could see that she was liking pages/games/pics all the time before and after I posted anything. She only started this whole "like my stuff" some 2 or 3 weeks ago now. But like everyone said, I haven't and won't think about it because it will only bring me down


My main advice would be stop over analysing with the next girl you like... Don't look for a millioin clues whether she likes you or not, just have fun. Tease her a bit more and have fun playful interactions

I would totally tell you to move on, there are a lot of girls out there you know...


Good luck! ;)

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