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found old flame is there a future?

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advice please.......

I am a single mother of two (7&1)..I reunited with my high school boyfriend a couple months ago.

In highschool I cheated on him ..we tried to work it out but couldnt.we stayed friends.and have ran into each other over the years..I div my ex right before we met back up in may..He has come over and watched movies , we have gone to lunch and then he tells me he has a girlfriend..and he is moving in with her..he calls me, text messages me,e-mails me, spends time with me..we had sex..and it was wonderful..I think i`m falling for him and i have told him so..he says he wishes things could be different and that he doesnt see things with him and his girl working out...her first time living on her own..I get extremly mixes signals from him ..


He says things like you are just as i remember you,your stilll so beautiful..now we get along great and always enjoy each others company..Am I being foolish to beleive that he genuinly cares and there might be more to this or am I being dupped before he moves in with her..He says we will still see each other..maybe he is just scared to take a risk? I would have married him if I didnt screw things up when younger and he has even said if things were differnt those would be his kids..he moves in with her on friday...I am very confused.. :(

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man, you are a sucker. he's so playin you, girl. it's poetic justice...


Anyway, it sounds like you're in totally different places in life. I think you're on the rebound and wanting a man, period, and i bet he gets off on playing both of you.


I hope you're keeping this little fling far away from your kids..

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No,no kids involved...and I dont beleive this is a rebound...i left my ex..for a second time (abusive relationship) we havent lived together for over a year ..so its not like i rushed into anything..but yeah you may have a point..poetic justice..i was just looking for someone with maybe a similar situation..thanks for the harsh newbie welcome.. ;)

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wow, you are in the woods without a clue on how to survive the wolves..and this guy is a wolf....trust me, i was married to an abusive man. i also have children. it's hard not to want someone to fill in the void left by your mean-ass ex, but please consider that you are not thinking clearly yet.


the hardest thing to do once we've been in an abusive relationship is the thing we must absolutely do -- set some boundaries, and stick to them...this guy is bad news...you won't want him when you are healthier emotionally...and how do you get healthier emotionally? by setting those boundaries NOW...


think about how you want to be treated? for me, i want to feel secure with someone, for someone to listen to me, treat me like an important and equal partner and enjoy time with...if someone doesn't fit the bill, then i would talk to them...if they cared about me, i'd probably see some change, but if not, then i'd be on my way to find someone who could make me happier.


you deserve better than this creep. he knows that you are wounded emotionally and he is taking advantage of you....get out now...he is just like your ex...tell yourself that from now on you will only like nice, respectful men...there are plenty out there...and guess what? you are just perfect on your own, too...


take care...be careful...

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