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Desapointed and Confused!!!


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hi am very confused it´s ddifficult to express, but my problem is the distants, I ám from mexico and my boyfriend left to england but he doesn´t comunicate with me as before, i now he still loves me, he is coming back on april 29, the other problem is that i went to vancouver for 6 months and the last month i had a boyfriend i dont now if i should tell him or not, because i still love him, but ifeel something weird is going on..

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hi am very confused it´s ddifficult to express, but my problem is the distants, I ám from mexico and my boyfriend left to england but he doesn´t comunicate with me as before, i now he still loves me, he is coming back on april 29, the other problem is that i went to vancouver for 6 months and the last month i had a boyfriend i dont now if i should tell him or not, because i still love him, but ifeel something weird is going on..


I think that what you did was wrong, even though they say what he doesnt' know won't hurt him. Do you think he deserves to be treated that way? But then again, if you went out and cheated on him, are you so sure he didn't do the same to you and not tell you? The best thing to do is tell him. Maybe it won't hurt him as much if you told him yourself.

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I wouldn't tell him because it might cause more problems in the future. I mean, if you really want this relationship to survive. I know that honesty is the best policy, but who knows, your boyfriend might get obsessed over it and won't trust you anymore. I'm just speculating.

hi am very confused it´s ddifficult to express, but my problem is the distants, I ám from mexico and my boyfriend left to england but he doesn´t comunicate with me as before, i now he still loves me, he is coming back on april 29, the other problem is that i went to vancouver for 6 months and the last month i had a boyfriend i dont now if i should tell him or not, because i still love him, but ifeel something weird is going on..
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