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Reacquainted recently with an old Crush

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And then both of us got into separate long relationships that both recently ended (terribly might I add... ).


We were never *close*, we were acquaintances, but he did like me before and I liked him too, as a friend only. I didn't know much about him and I was just getting into a relationship, so I didn't see him *that* way. We sorta drifted off the face of the earth; we weren't aware of each other for years.


Just a few days ago we met up at a convention, hugged, and sparks flew (for me at least, as far as I know). I shook it off; I was NOT expecting having feelings for him like this, but there they were. We hung out and talked; he ended up pushing the limits of his break time because our talks kept spilling over. He didn't have to, but he did. We've been having friendly, humorous chats via text, but it's been very platonic between both of us, with very little innuendo.


We're both healing, and have been dipping our toes into the dating world again, but I can't shake off the idea that he's a friend when I have feelings for him--strong ones--now.


So here's my question: can someone still have feelings for you years and years later after the initial crush? Could he still be interested after all this time?

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can someone still have feelings for you years and years later after the initial crush? Could he still be interested after all this time?


From my own experience, once you meet someone again after a long period of time, feelings can always come back. I think the only way to know for sure is to continue talking to him often as you have been, better yet, try to see each other in person as much as possible (I feel this will give you the answers you seek), from there you can figure out if you guys are purely platonic friends or if there is something more there.

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I'll have a chance to see him again in a few days at an event and I'm already getting butterflies that I wish I could stop. Should I ask him out to lunch? From what I know about him, he's a passive type of guy, so I don't expect him to make the first move. I just don't want to come off too strong.

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Should I ask him out to lunch? From what I know about him, he's a passive type of guy, so I don't expect him to make the first move. I just don't want to come off too strong.


Yeah, I say go for it. Try and ask him out to lunch, I personally don't think lunch is a really big deal.

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Asked if it was a good time to call, and got rejected on that. Anyone who *likes* anyone would take up the chance to talk on the phone, right? It was on the late side; close to my own bed time, but I still felt the tiniest bit of jilt. No communication, text or otherwise, since then.


Should I throw in the towel on this? Seems like he's not interested.


What does it all meeeeeaaaaaan!? :bunny:

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