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Yeah. Most girls I know are unhappy with it.


Most guys I know just use it to meet women for sex. I do too, actually. For some reason, I can't take the women on there seriously. I don't know why.


Really? So it's comparable to a woman going to a bar? Just a pick up hit it & quit it? Just trying to understand. I don't do the the bar scene because I didn't want to find the hit it and quit it types. But now OLD is the new(er) hit it and quit it?

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Skydiving isn't really all that crazy. I've done it a bunch of times both in tandem and solo.


Ever gone base jumping? Bungee jumping? Ever drive a Lamborghini at 120?


Now those are rushes. ;)


No Lamborghini yet. :( But I DO have an Audi S5 that will scoot right along, and have had 2 (brand new at the time) M3s that don't complain about 140 mph. And what a thrill! Haven't done the skydiving; want to. Would love to share it with someone but if not, I'm perfectly fine doing it by myself. ;) Just saying that's why I like younger men, as they would be more open to adventure I think. Conservative I'm NOT! Lol.

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Really? So it's comparable to a woman going to a bar? Just a pick up hit it & quit it? Just trying to understand. I don't do the the bar scene because I didn't want to find the hit it and quit it types. But now OLD is the new(er) hit it and quit it?


I have one friend that had 2 gfs from OLD, but the vast majority were just hit and quits.


But keep in mind, I'm 26. My friends are either my age, in their 30s, or in their 40s and 50s (but are going through a mid-life crisis). So that may skew things a bit.


Still, I have many female friends that have done OLD. Only one found a bf on it and he cheated on her. Some people have had success with it though so maybe my friends are the exceptions?


I actually have friends that have gotten married to people they met at bars lol. So I've heard of more real life success stories in bars/clubs than on OLD. Go figure. :p

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No Lamborghini yet. :( But I DO have an Audi S5 that will scoot right along, and have had 2 (brand new at the time) M3s that don't complain about 140 mph. And what a thrill! Haven't done the skydiving; want to. Would love to share it with someone but if not, I'm perfectly fine doing it by myself. ;) Just saying that's why I like younger men, as they would be more open to adventure I think. Conservative I'm NOT! Lol.


Yeah, I took a girl on skydiving date before. It was a good time!


I've met some older guys that like to do those things. I'm sure they're few and far between though.

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No Lamborghini yet. :( But I DO have an Audi S5 that will scoot right along, and have had 2 (brand new at the time) M3s that don't complain about 140 mph. And what a thrill! Haven't done the skydiving; want to. Would love to share it with someone but if not, I'm perfectly fine doing it by myself. ;) Just saying that's why I like younger men, as they would be more open to adventure I think. Conservative I'm NOT! Lol.



There are plenty of men your age that are complaining about the same thing - older women not being adventurous. You'd probably have much better luck skewing your age range closer to your own age and just "filtering" based on how adventurous the guys appear. Younger single guys are generally going to view older women as easy sex rather than actual relationship material.


Unless your preference for younger men has less to do with their desire to go skydiving and more to do with physical appeal of course...

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Not having too much luck, some constructive criticism would be appreciated :)

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First things first. I don't like the title of your thread because it already shows you're a pessimist. I don't prefer to date men who always look at the negative of everything.


Honestly, it deterred me from even wanting to look at your profile, because I automatically assume it sucks.

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First things first. I don't like the title of your thread because it already shows you're a pessimist. I don't prefer to date men who always look at the negative of everything.


Honestly, it deterred me from even wanting to look at your profile, because I automatically assume it sucks.

It wasn't that bad actually!


If I were you I would take a few more pics where you're actually looking at the camera. And get rid of that part that's derogatory toward women who go out and booze. Most women go out and booze at least once in a while nowadays. Maybe injecting a little humor into would help as well. It had a very formal and serious tone to it.

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I agree with what gaius said.


In addition, you might want to consider using less "I" sentences because it makes you come off as self-absorbed and rigid.


You're a good looking guy, though. :)


Good luck!

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Yep, all of the above.


The structure isn't so bad. You sound like you've a lot of stuff going on and making things happen for yourself which is great.


Use less "I... " statements, it's too much.

Also make them less factual... like instead of lists of things you have and do (which comes off braggy if there's too much of it ), add some emotions to it or details of something in particular instead of cramming it all in there. It makes you sound more personable when there's some emotion in there.


Remove the piece about girls partying and boozing. It doesn't come off well.


Also, the piece about "what you want in a girl"... I mean, it's ok to have something like that but it's all about looks and status, it should be more about emotions and personal traits, make it general, just good stuff that most girls would have. You are screening too many girls out by making yourself sound too picky. I know that might seem a good thing but it's too early for this, girls will read it and think you are asking too much or she won't measure up to standards set too high.


Lastly, reword the end piece about your little time for a relationship. Again, I can only assume you're making this profile from advice from online dating guru's but you're over qualifying people. Girls will read this and make them think you won't be around or won't prioritize them, it has the opposite effect in words than it does being scare in real life.

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Your pics make you appear self absorbed all respect. Take some more natural looking pics and throw in a couple with some friends. Also, your profile seems a little serious. I know it sounds counter intuitive being that it's a dating site but trust. If I were you I'd ditch the last paragraph, it's flirting with being a laundry list! Save all that stuff for the getting to know you phase when meeting someone. If you don't sant to delete the last paragraph try to summarize it and leave out the word long term, it's already listed in your profile that you're looking for a relationship.

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Thanks for the feedback guys. About the part not liking girls who get drunk on weekends... why is it a good idea to remove it if its the biggest turn-off in the world to me? I absolutely can't stomach girls who drink excessively and would hang myself before dating a girl like that...

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The bones are there for a good profile. You're moderately tall, good-looking, well-built, and financially successful. A few things that stood out for me:



1. Your tone is a bit serious and negative overall. Even awesome women like to have fun and you seem dour. What if you were to revise one sentence in your profile: "Working so much makes it hard to meet someone, and so here I am." No, actually just take that sentence out completely. It doesn't add anything. (To answer your question: every girl your age at some point has gotten hammered. Don't turn her off reading your profile. You can talk about how much you hate that on the phone or in person.)


2. The picture of you driving the R8 is plenty enough "car shots" (keep that pic in because I think it is a good one), the second picture of you in your R8 makes it look like you are showing off your possessions.


3. Some pictures of you with other people would be great.

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I've made some changes, thanks again for feedback guys. The pic of me with two girls is appropriate as a mandatory "photo with other people"? Most of the pics I have are with girls for some reason lol

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Everything is ok on your profile except for 2 girls next to you, it gives you the image of a player and kinda Pittbull guy

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Thanks for the feedback guys. About the part not liking girls who get drunk on weekends... why is it a good idea to remove it if its the biggest turn-off in the world to me? I absolutely can't stomach girls who drink excessively and would hang myself before dating a girl like that...


You don't have to date party girls and you'll find out soon enough or know from their own profile if they are that sort.


But having it in there makes you sound too picky and a little judgemental.

Focus more on traits you LIKE them to have than traits you DON'T because girls who LIKE the traits you list will be drawn to it, while party girls and non-party girls will both sense the negativity in listing things you don't like...

It's a small detail but always be positive.

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Lose the second car photo for sure. I get you are into cars with your biz etc but it makes you seem douchey. The dolphin pic is good. Add a warmer, family or friends oriented photo and your profile will be more balanced. It definitely has the self absorbed vibe right now.

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As a woman I'd say having a photo with two bikini clad girls makes your profile look disingenuous. You say you are a compassionate person who is driven, educated, looking for someone with long term potential... then you have a photo with two chicks that are almost naked. Not the right image for what you say you want.

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I've tried online dating for a while now. I haven't been on many dates during the past year, just didn't like the guys much and didn't trust most. After various unpleasant experiences, I am coming to the conclusion that there are only a minority of decent guys online. Most of the guys drag sex into the conversation from message 2. Most don't seem to want to know the real person, just whether I'll meet or not (when I hardly know them). There are plenty of decidedly weird guys online and I've had unpleasant experiences with some of the few I've met, basically concerning whether they were telling me the truth about their backgrounds and previous relationships. A friend had a scary experience of abuse after meeting a guy online. He was OK initially. Who knows what his true background was? People can move about and hide their backgrounds online. It's true that these guys could be anybody and how can you tell they are decent?


The guys I meet socially just don't behave like these guys online. They are better mannered and kinder. They seem interested in me not just sex. They are literate and intelligent. I might not feel attracted to them but that's a different issue. The guys online are self-selecting to a degree. Is it just that guys online behave differently because they can or are the majority really more dodgy than those one meets naturally in the outside world?


this is not entirely correct.

I know many who got to know on a dating site, even some couples have come to the wedding and have children already.

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California Raisin

I am extremely new to the online dating scene. I wanted to try it out due to my bad luck with relationships in the past and meeting the "right" guy. I decided to give it a real try effort....so I researched all the different type of sites and picked one. Being that none of my close friends had any experience with online dating, I felt like I was kinda going in blind. But I was ready and willing to try it out. The first day I signed up, I started chatting on line with a guy that I thought was quite handsome from his profile pics. I first noticed his looks but when I read his profile I liked him a little more. The second day we chatted online again and by the third day he asked me to call him. It was a good conversation which lead to him asking me to meet up with him but being that it was so short notice and kinda late I declined. But we continued to text that night and the next day too. We made a date to meet at a restaurant the following day. Let me mention I have never been on a blind date before in my life and I was extremely nervous being that it was "online dating". But the date went great. He was actually the same guy in the pictures! We had a good and fun conversation while we ate and drank. After about two hours later, we had ate and drank a few drinks I assumed we would end the date and say our goodbyes, but he suggested we take a walk in the neighbor hood.

I agreed because we were having such a good time. We talked and walked and laughed and had a good time. It was about two hours later when I

said I was getting a little cold and I needed to get home. Honestly I'd been cold for about a hour but I was enjoying our time so I just sucked it up. We said our goodbyes and left. Later that night we texted a bit and I told him thanks for a great time, I really enjoyed your company. He too said he had and great time as well.

But this IS online dating and I cant put all my eggs in one basket so I, of course chatted with a few other guys online. I began chatting on the phone with another guy and that conversation was also really good. He seemed easy to talk to and a ok guy so I decided to meet up with him for pizza. Now keep in mind , my first experience with this was GREAT! I really liked the first guy. So Im expecting to also like this guy #2. NOPE, his pictures were not very clear and in person he was not attractive to me. I was totally turned off but I continued the date politely and QUICKLY and later explained I didn't feel a connection and I wished him luck on his future dating. Physical attraction is important and it was none there....not even a little.

I continued to view other profiles of guys online but lately there isn't anyone on there that sparks my interest. Is it because i cant stop thinking about how much I liked the first guy?

I am extremely interested in the first guy and would love a second date but he hasn't asked me. We have texted back and forth since our date with some good conversations but he hasn't asked me out again. Our date was a week ago. Am I being too impatient? Or should I get the hint that he's just not that into me?

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He's probably doing what you have been doing and dating others. It's only been a week. Let it go another week. If he doesn't find anyone he likes more he will most likely ask you out again.

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That's a tough one. It really is. There's no indication why he would stop communicating after the date which went so well.


Maybe something has happened concerning anything you discussed and you send him a quick email mentioning it. Any reason he asked you to call him? Does he have your number now?

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California Raisin

Yes he does have my number. And we haven't actually stopped communicating, its just been via text. But I haven't called and neither has he.

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