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Finally comfortable with trying to meet a new woman

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Hi all,


I just came out of the coping forums and finally feel that im ready to actually start meeting other women :) I'm 23 and starting my last semester of school at a university before graduating in December. I think I'm about to score an awesome networking internship to pursue my career(working on my certs atm). I ocassionally go to bars and know that's not really the place to meet a woman that wants something more. I feel stupid because im on a college campus for christ sakes! Every woman I've met so far hasn't been very interesting at all(maybe it's me). I work out at the gym a lot now and every once in awhile will strike up a conversation with someone. I am not socially awkward and can have a decent conversation with someone. Maybe this is just a rant but I guess I just have to keep trucking until someone right for me comes along...

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