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Why is there a perception that women care less about looks then Men?

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Yeah, gl with destroying the way society works based on our biological imperatives, see how well it works in the long run.


It has been my experience that the younger the woman is, generally the more likely she is to be interested in looks primarily, with a huge emphasis on physical aspects.

As they grow older [mature], this morphs into encompassing attitude/confidence/weather or not he has his **** together, which might explain why many women in their early 20's are not interested in LTRs.

The same applies to men as well.


I would agree that this is true among men and women with decent or better character in most cases. Some people never grow out of that phase, but yes, I believe it's indicative of maturity levels how much emphasis is placed on shallow traits. For men and women.

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Most men won't whore themselves for money, fame or power like women do, so it makes men seem more into looks. Women are actually more into looks than men IME.


Said harshly but this is pretty much it.


On top of looks, women also look at a man's money, status, sense of humor and in a lot of cases, how 'dangerous' he is too.


Majority of blokes don't care much about that.

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Why is there a perception that women care less about looks then Men?




It is indisputably true that women care less about the physical appeal of their potential mates than men care about the physical appeal of their female mates. The factor that you're not considering is related to sheer numbers. As women can't be safe out walking the streets doing live interviews, and handing out questionaires to narrow down the applicants based on other qualifications, they, for having social invitations in exponentially greater numbers, need to do something to cull the ranks with minimal time.


Your perception is derived from far too much effort spent going for the hotties way above your league, when the sheer numbers say that they get so many invites that they wouldn't even have time to take your phone number if you offered it, let alone time to get to dialing it amid the multitude of others.


You aren't being discarded because of your seeming beauty flaws, you are being discarded because there are just so many numbers...


Think of it like the item on the news that says "3 million credit card accounts have been compromised". Well, in order for your account to lose anything, you still have to beat the X-in-3 million odds of being found among the masses.

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I think this is a ridiculous thing to argue since everyone has there own ideas as to what is attractive looks wise.



Yes, attraction is very important.

The way a man looks is what sparks the initial interest, does this mean that I only date guys who by norms of society are super hot? Nope.

I have dated chubby guys, super skinny guys, men with six packs, men with receding hair lines, men who are short, men who are super tall.

Initially something about them piked my interest, but the looks part plays a small role in the attraction.


Ask me who the hottest celebrity is and I will say John Krazinski.

By no means are his looks the hottest, there are men with more chiseled faces, and harder bodies by far. I think he is sexy as **** due to his humor and roles he plays.




Sure, some men who hit on me are super hot, but put me next to some skinny minny super model and initially a guy would go after her more than likely.


As for me, the super hard, fit, and insanely hot man is too much for me to deal with, and usually those men tend to find themselves too good for me anyways, or are just looking for an easy lay. [not saying this is the same for everyone, just what I have experienced.]


That can only lead me to imagine that men usually hold more value in the looks department than I do.

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Going off what I see with my eyes if a woman is a little flabby/chunky/thick but still cute or pretty there's a STRONG possibility the guy she's with will be slender/skinnier than her. Because instead of her not being shallow and dating someone with a similar physique she'll wait for that non shallow skinny/guy.

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Going off what I see with my eyes if a woman is a little flabby/chunky/thick but still cute or pretty there's a STRONG possibility the guy she's with will be slender/skinnier than her. Because instead of her not being shallow and dating someone with a similar physique she'll wait for that non shallow skinny/guy.


This is bull.

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I think this is a ridiculous thing to argue since everyone has there own ideas as to what is attractive looks wise.



Yes, attraction is very important.

The way a man looks is what sparks the initial interest, does this mean that I only date guys who by norms of society are super hot? Nope.

I have dated chubby guys, super skinny guys, men with six packs, men with receding hair lines, men who are short, men who are super tall.

Initially something about them piked my interest, but the looks part plays a small role in the attraction.


Ask me who the hottest celebrity is and I will say John Krazinski.

By no means are his looks the hottest, there are men with more chiseled faces, and harder bodies by far. I think he is sexy as **** due to his humor and roles he plays.




Sure, some men who hit on me are super hot, but put me next to some skinny minny super model and initially a guy would go after her more than likely.


As for me, the super hard, fit, and insanely hot man is too much for me to deal with, and usually those men tend to find themselves too good for me anyways, or are just looking for an easy lay. [not saying this is the same for everyone, just what I have experienced.]


That can only lead me to imagine that men usually hold more value in the looks department than I do.


You look pretty cute!

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Ask me who the hottest celebrity is and I will say John Krazinski.

By no means are his looks the hottest, there are men with more chiseled faces, and harder bodies by far. I think he is sexy as **** due to his humor and roles he plays.


He's also freakishly tall. Whew, what a relief. :eek:

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Going off what I see with my eyes if a woman is a little flabby/chunky/thick but still cute or pretty there's a STRONG possibility the guy she's with will be slender/skinnier than her. Because instead of her not being shallow and dating someone with a similar physique she'll wait for that non shallow skinny/guy.


Yep. I see this all the time. 6'6" athletes making out with plumpers at the bar. Young guys with 6 packs being all lovey dovey with their beer-bellied girlfriends. In fact my one and only girlfriend was more than chubby at 5'4" and close to 200 lbs., while I was a svelte 175 lbs. Funny how that works.

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He's also freakishly tall. Whew, what a relief. :eek:




I guess the real winner was when I found out he is good friends with my most favorite band EVER!



Things like that make a man SO MUCH HOTTER.

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You look pretty cute!


Uhm... thanks? :o



Not sure what that had to do with my post but I appreciate it!

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Uhm... thanks? :o



Not sure what that had to do with my post but I appreciate it!


I've never seen you post before until I read this thread. Was like WOW, what a hottie! What kind of cars do you sell? I'm really into performance cars and own a 2012 mustang gt! A redneck car for people in lala land though I'm sure.


As for the original post, I don't think women think all about looks. I look really young for my age, not bad looking but I have troubles with the girls. hence why if I get a date I'm going to throw a lot of cash around on the date.

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Ask me who the hottest celebrity is and I will say John Krazinski.

By no means are his looks the hottest, there are men with more chiseled faces, and harder bodies by far. I think he is sexy as **** due to his humor and roles he plays.


Yea ... that's not such an inspiring example. He's a plenty good looking guy.


That's like me saying Pam from the office is not as hot as Adrianna Lima but she's my fav because her personality makes up for what she lacks in looks. Jenna Fischer is still plenty hot.


But I guess we all have to pull examples from what our life experiences are like...

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Wow you are like, so amazing you really look at the personality first.


It's not like this John Kryzinski is 6'5, handsome, wealthy, and apparently funny and charming (he probably isn't). You're the best around, to quote the Karate Kid theme song.


I see your point :laugh:

But in my favor I was comparing him against other celebrities...

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Things like that make a man SO MUCH HOTTER.




But when you meet someone for the first time or just see someone walking on the street, what's going to matter most in judging your attraction? For example, if you saw John for the first time and had never seen his TV shows or movies, what would you think of him? Still the hottest?


It all goes back to my surface trait theory, which I think I've found a winner with...

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Yea ... that's not such an inspiring example. He's a plenty good looking guy.


That's like me saying Pam from the office is not as hot as Adrianna Lima but she's my fav because her personality makes up for what she lacks in looks. Jenna Fischer is still plenty hot.


But I guess we all have to pull examples from what our life experiences are like...


C'mon now, someone brought up the celebrities and I ran with it. If you wanted real examples I would show you pictures of some of the guys I have dated...

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From my own experience, I find that most girls did not care too much about how I looked, since I'm pretty average. But, of course, not everyone is the same, so what might be more important to one person may be less important to another.


In saying that, a lot of my girl friends and their friends care a lot about looks. It's funny in a way because a lot of these girls are unattractive but they have rejected pretty decent looking guys because they weren't 6-ft with model looks. Some have even told me outright that guys don't deserve to ask them out if they are not extremely good-looking. Fair enough, to each their own, but on top of that, they complain about there being no decent guys around. Thankfully not all girls (or guys) are like that.

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But when you meet someone for the first time or just see someone walking on the street, what's going to matter most in judging your attraction? For example, if you saw John for the first time and had never seen his TV shows or movies, what would you think of him? Still the hottest?


It all goes back to my surface trait theory, which I think I've found a winner with...


You are right, not the hottest to LOOK at. So looks matter initially, as I already said. Lot term wise, and looking for a partner wise, looks play the smallest role.

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This is bull.


How is it bull when it's what I see?? Yeah there are exceptions as with everything and hell in other parts of the state/country it could be the exact opposite. But where I live if a girl is a little flabby/chunky/thick but cute semi-attractive/pretty and you look at the guy she's with there's a stronger chance of him being skinnier than her, than him being equal to or fatter than her. By the way, Houston is or at least once was the fattest city in the US so don't tell me these thick/chunky/chubby girls aren't "holding out" for that skinny/ slender guy.

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You are right, not the hottest to LOOK at. So looks matter initially, as I already said. Lot term wise, and looking for a partner wise, looks play the smallest role.


Which is the basic premise of the surface trait theory...without the right surface traits, which include looks, you wouldn't have any reason to get to know someone beyond the surface...that is, they wouldn't even qualify for the long term or for partnership.


If the guy had the greatest personality in the world, you would never have the motivation to learn this unless he qualified on the surface.

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Which is the basic premise of the surface trait theory...without the right surface traits, which include looks, you wouldn't have any reason to get to know someone beyond the surface...that is, they wouldn't even qualify for the long term or for partnership.


If the guy had the greatest personality in the world, you would never have the motivation to learn this unless he qualified on the surface.




So, while John Krazynski (sp) might be the minimum for one woman, you might be min for one, and I might be the min for another.


So, you either look for women with that min or look for ones who don't think that way.

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Which is the basic premise of the surface trait theory...without the right surface traits, which include looks, you wouldn't have any reason to get to know someone beyond the surface...that is, they wouldn't even qualify for the long term or for partnership.

If the guy had the greatest personality in the world, you would never have the motivation to learn this unless he qualified on the surface.


Not true.



I can honestly say a man who I did not find physically appealing gained my interest through pure interaction. I would have NEVER found him attractive had he not approached me and shown me how awesome he is.




True story bro. I tend to give most men a chance if they have the guts to talk to me in the first place though...

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From my own experience, I find that most girls did not care too much about how I looked, since I'm pretty average. But, of course, not everyone is the same, so what might be more important to one person may be less important to another.


For most, if not all, looks do matter. However, as opposed to the "traditional" 1-10 "rating system", I have become a huge fan of the binary system. That is, a person is either a 1 or a 0. And in many cases, for men and women alike, if you're "good enough," or a 1, then it will seem like they "don't care" about your looks. However, that 1 was probably still based on physical appearance.


In saying that, a lot of my girl friends and their friends care a lot about looks. It's funny in a way because a lot of these girls are unattractive but they have rejected pretty decent looking guys because they weren't 6-ft with model looks. Some have even told me outright that guys don't deserve to ask them out if they are not extremely good-looking. Fair enough, to each their own, but on top of that, they complain about there being no decent guys around.


And then you have the camp of women who continue this behavior as long as their getting that "top quality" male attention. The moment they start losing it, they will question the decency of men...until it gets so bad that they finally lower their "standards"...


Thankfully not all girls (or guys) are like that.


You're right, not all of them are. I'd even go as far as to say many of them aren't.

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Not true.



I can honestly say a man who I did not find physically appealing gained my interest through pure interaction. I would have NEVER found him attractive had he not approached me and shown me how awesome he is.




True story bro. I tend to give most men a chance if they have the guts to talk to me in the first place though...


what did this man say?

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